Secure bike parking

The University has installed 9 secure bike hangars. These are secure, lockable bicycle parking facilities, available to staff and students, after they register for access. 

Where are the bike hangars located?

Currently, there are 9 hangars on campus -

  • 1 behind the Graham Kerr Building
  • 1 at the Sir Graeme Davies Building
  • 3 in front at the Bower Building
  • 2 at Thomson Building
  • 1 at the Southfront (service lane)
  • 1 at James Watt South Building

How do they work?

The bike hangars on campus are FalcoPods.

Access is app-operated and available to all current University employees and students, for free. 

There are 6 bike parking spaces in each of the pods. Unfortunately, there is no way to pre-book any of the spaces. 

Please watch this video to find out more about how the locking mechanism works.

You can find out more about showers and lockers on campus here.

How can staff and students get access?

With your registering you consent to your data being used as outlined in the Privacy Note.

If you want to start using the bike hangars, please follow the steps as below -

  1. Download the 'FalcoSmart' App.  Android: Play Store | or the 'OKey app' from Apple iOS: App Store. Make sure you enable the notifications.
  2. Email the Travel Planning Team, giving your University email address. The Travel Planning Team aims to register you within 3 working days or faster.
  3. Look out for a confirmation email which gives you login details, coming from Please check your junk folder too for this email!
  4. Follow the instructions in this email to start using the 'okey - Smart Access Solutions' App, and to reset your password. 

The University reserves the right to withdraw access due to misuse or if access data suggests that the user is not staff or student of the University anymore. You can also request to de-register at any time.

Data protection - privacy notice

Your Personal Data

The University of Glasgow will be what’s known as the ‘Data Controller’ of your personal data processed in relation to registration as a user of University of Glasgow bike hangars.

This privacy notice will explain how the University of Glasgow will process your personal data.

What data we collect

The personal data we will be collecting in relation to the scheme includes

  • Name
  • University issued email address

These are required to manage your access to the University bike hangars.

Special Categories of Personal Data

No personal data in the special category will be collected.

Legal basis for processing your data

We must have a legal basis for processing all personal data. In this instance, the legal basis is ‘consent’.

With your requesting access to the bike hangars and giving your email address for this purpose you agree that the scheme administrators can use the personal data as collected for the stated purposes. If you do not agree, we will have no suitable way for managing your access to the University’s bike hangars.

What we do with the data collected

We are collecting and processing data as outlined in this Privacy Notice and will use it in order to

  • manage your access to the bike hangars through the 'okey' App
  • contact you and all other users with information regarding the bike hangars
  • carry out analysis on usage profiles of the facilities
  • carry out analysis on usage profiles by specific users, ONLY to identify if access is still needed by the user

Who we share the data with

We share your personal data

  • with authorised University employees who are administrators of the scheme
  • with the manufacturers of the bike hangars (Falco) as they host the backoffice for the access management system 

How long do we keep it for?

The data you provide will be retained by the University for as long as you stay a registered user.

What are your rights?

You can request access to the information we process about you at any time.

If at any point you believe that the information we process relating to you is incorrect, you can request to see this information and may in some instances request to have it restricted, corrected or, erased. You may also have the right to object to the processing of data and the right to data portability. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please submit your request via the  or contact

Please note that the ability to exercise these rights will vary and depend on the legal basis on which the processing is being carried out and the accessibility of the data (i.e. if your own data is impossible to retrieve due to the anonymous nature of the survey). Where we have relied upon your consent to process your data, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.


If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact the University Data Protection Officer who will investigate the matter. Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).