Location (Building)Type of parking, location, capacityLocation using 'What 3 words'Nearby alternatives
Adam Smith Building Stands and racks at main entrance. Capacity 30 bikes. ///bravo.stands.skill Hetherington Building
Adam Smith Business School / College Steps Shelter and unsheltered stands. Capacity 18 bicycles ///owls.luck.dose  
Anderson College (International College) Stands at entrance. Capacity 6 bikes. ///stays.slot.rise  
ARC (Advanced Research Centre)

Internal parking - Card access door on west (rear) side of building. Capacity 120 bikes.

Sheltered stands - on north side (by Clarice Pears). Capacity 48 bikes.

Unsheltered stands - on south side. Capacity 30 bikes.




Moy Street East
BHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre

Sheltered rack - to right of building entrance. Capacity 12 bikes.

Secure sheltered stands - in car park (shared with Sir Graeme Davies Building). Use gate intercom for entry. Car park closes 5.30pm. Capacity 12 bikes.



Sir Graeme Davies Building (Biomedical Research Centre)
Bower Building

Racks at entrance - capacity 36 bikes.

3 bike hangars at entrance - capacity 18 bikes



Isabella Elder Building
Boyd Orr Building/James McCune Smith Building Sheltered racks at rear entrance. Capacity 40 bikes.


Sir Alwyn Williams Building

James McCune Smith (JMS) Learning Hub

Bute Gardens None.  

Hetherington Building

Adam Smith Building

Clarice Pears (School of Health & Wellbeing)

Scattered unsheltered stands on University Place. Capacity 24 bikes.

Stands and racks sheltered by building, on University Place. Capacity 28 bikes.

Two shelters with 6 stands each, by University Place/Infirmary Way. Capacity 24 bikes.

Infirmary Way/St Mungo Sq - 2 racks, Capacity 18 bikes








Mathematics & Statistics Building 

Davidson Building Rack in lockable store. Staff and students based in Davidson, Wolfson Link and Sir James Black buildings please contact John McDougall for a key (John.McDougall@glasgow.ac.uk ; phone 0141 330 8447). Capacity 10 bikes.   ///twin.loads.wipes Wolfson Link Building 
Fraser Building

Sheltered rack in car park. Capacity 10 bikes.

Sheltered racks near entrance (also by Library entrance). Capacity 40 bikes.

Unsheltered racks by Southpark Avenue, behind McMillan Reading Room. Capacity 20 bikes.

2 unsheltered racks at right off entrance (from University Avenue). Capacity 20 bikes.





McMillan Reading Room 
Gilbert Scott Building (Main Building) Unsheltered circular stands at both main entrances. Capacity 8 bikes each. 



Professors' Square 
Gilmorehill Halls Unsheltered stands in garden to right of entrance. Capacity 10 bikes. 


Glasgow University Union (GUU)

Pearce Lodge 

Glasgow University Union (GUU) Unsheltered racks on University Avenue. Capacity 20 bikes.  ///grows.pass.apple Rankine Building 
Graham Kerr Building

Rack in lockable shelter, right of entrance (Zoology Lane). Also available to Joseph Black Building. Contact travelplanning@glasgow.ac.uk for code and key (deposit required). Capacity 10 bikes. 

Bike hangar behind building, left of entrance - capacity 6 bikes



Joseph Black Building 
1 Horselethill Road (Public Health, General Practice and Primary Care) Sheltered stands in backyard. Capacity 8 bikes.  ///wipe.limp.lows   
Hetherington Building

Sheltered rack - at entrance. Capacity 10 bikes.

Unsheltered stands at rear of Library. Capacity 6 bikes. 



Adam Smith Building 
Isabella Elder Building

Sheltered rack - in alley shared with Joseph Black. Capacity 10 bikes.

Sheltered stands - on University Place (by OVObike hire station). Capacity 24 bikes. 



Joseph Black Building

Bower Building 

James McCune Smith Learning Hub

Internal two-tier racks - Capacity 80 bikes.

Sheltered racks at entrance from University Avenue. Capacity 40 bikes.



Boyd Orr Building

Wolfson Medical School 

James Watt (South) Building

Sheltered rack at south entrance - capacity 12 bikes. 

Bike hangar at building entrance, left of entrance - capacity 6 bikes

Bike hangar behind building in service lane - capacity 6 bikes




Pearce Lodge 
Joseph Black Building

Unsheltered stands - right of eastern entrance (by Kelvin Building). Capacity 8 bikes.

Sheltered rack - right of eastern entrance (by Kelvin Building). Capacity 10 bikes.

Sheltered stands - on north side (near Wolfson Medical School Building). Capacity 48 bikes.




Isabella Elder Building

Graham Kerr Building (lockable shelter) 

Kelvin Building

Stands and racks - in courtyard. Some semi-sheltered. Capacity 48 bikes.

Lockable cage - inside building. Generally for staff only. Capacity up to 9 bikes (variable). Contact David Robertson for code. 



Joseph Black Building 
Kelvin Hall

Secure store stands - for staff in building only. Capacity 28 bikes.

Public stands on Argyle Street. Capacity 18 bikes. 



Library Rack at left hand side of entrance, close to building wall. Capacity 10 bikes ///backs.remedy.slows 

Fraser Building

Hetherington Building (rear of library) 

1 Lilybank Gardens (Public Health) Sheltered rack in secure garden. For building users only. Key from reception. Capacity 10 bikes. ///sorters.loses.waddled  
6 & 7 Lilybank Gardens (Urban Big Data Centre) Wheel support rack in backyard. For building users only. Capacity 5 bikes.  ///lofts.grain.result  
Lilybank Gardens (School of Computing Science)

Lockers - in rear garden. Capacity 4 bikes.

Stands in lockable store - in rear garden. Capacity 10 bikes. 



Sir Alwyn Williams Building 
Mathematics & Statistics Building

Racks in lockable shelter - west side of building (right of entrance). Keys managed by department. Capacity 22 bikes.

Unsheltered stands - at entrance on University Place. Capacity 10 bikes. 



Joseph Black Building (north shelter)

Clarice Pears

McMillan Reading Room Unsheltered racks at entrance. Capacity 30 bikes.  ///rear.budget.branch  Fraser Building 
Moy Street East  Sheltered stands east of the ARC. Capacity 48 bikes.  ///eggs.pink.heats 


Wolfson Link Building 

Old Quarry Drive/Snow Bridge Gardens Shelters with stands. Capacity 20 bikes ///cover.proven.melon  
Pearce Lodge Unsheltered rack. Capacity 10 bikes.  ///legend.fast.vibe  Rankine Building 
Professors' Square

Unsheltered racks - in front of 2 & 3 Professors' Square. Capacity 30 bikes.

Unsheltered stands - on pavement between 4 & 5 Professors' Square. Capacity 8 bikes. 

Unsheltered wheel support racks - in rear garden of 10 Professors' Square. Capacity 6 bikes.




Gilbert Scott (Main Building) 
Queen Margaret Union (QMU) None.    Sir Alwyn Williams Building 
Rankine Building

Secure store - in car park Staff and postgraduate use only. Code from Building Attendant. Capacity 12 bikes.

Unsheltered racks on University Avenue. Capacity 30 bikes. 




Stevenson Building

Glagow University Union (GUU) 

Sir Alwyn Williams Building

Stands sheltered by building - at entrance. Capacity 20 bikes.

Sheltered rack - by entrance. Capacity 10 bikes. 



Boyd Orr Building 
Sir Graeme Davies Building (Biomedical Research Centre)

Sheltered racks - right of entrance. Capacity 20 bikes.

Bike hangar at entrance - capacity 6 bikes

Secure sheltered stands - in car park (shared with BHF Cardiovascular Research Centre). Use gate intercom for entry. Car park closes 5.30pm. Capacity 12 bikes. 





BHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre 
Sir James Black Building See Davidson Building  

Wolfson Link Building

Davidson Building (lockable store)

Moy Street East 

Southpark Avenue None.    Fraser Building 
St. Andrew's Building

Sheltered racks - at entrance. Capacity 30 bikes.

Unsheltered racks - at entrance. Capacity 30 bikes. 

Stevenson Building

Unsheltered stands - next to street. Capacity 24 bikes.

Wheel guide pods - along path to the left of the entrance. Some partially sheltered. Capacity 40 bikes.

Sheltered cage with wheel guide pods - at end of path left of entrance. Key from reception. Capacity 12 bikes. 

///hats.stack.burn  Rankine Building 
Thomson Building

2 bike hangars at entrance - capacity 12 bikes

2 racks at entrance - capacity 10 bikes



Gilbert Scott (Main Building)

Pearce Lodge 

University Gardens None.   

Sir Alwyn Williams Building

James McCune Smith Learning Hub 

University Place One rack, close to Clarice Pearce Building. Capacity 10 bikes ///wake.hats.tuck  
Wolfson Link Building Unsheltered stands at entrance. Capacity 8 bikes. Also access to lock up - see Davidson Building ///stays.salon.trout 

Davidson Building (lockable store)

Moy Street East 

Wolfson Medical School

Unsheltered stands - by entrance on University Avenue. Capacity 12 bikes.

Stands sheltered by building - at entrance on University Avenue. Capacity 6 bikes.

Rack in underground car park. Contact Christine Donnelly on telephone 0141 330 8012 or email Christine.Donnelly@glasgow.ac.uk for access instructions. Access through building lifts only. Capacity 8 bikes.




Isabella Elder Building (north shelter)

Joseph Black Building (north shelter)