Student2Student Essentials
The Student2Student Essentials Initiative aims to save students money whilst preventing excessive waste on campus. By collecting items as students move out and redistributing them for free to incoming and ongoing students, a campus circular economy is our goal!
S2SE has been running for three years. In September 2024, 1000 students picked up free second-hand homeware, while over 5,000 items were saved from landfill. In January 2025, 685 students attended and over 3,200 items were collected.
The S2SE event is held in the Eco-Hub space, at the start of first and second terms. See our social media for details regarding donations and for announcements of our next S2SE event!
Sustainable Food and Waste
The Sustainable Food and Waste branch aims to increase awareness of, and accessibility to, sustainable food practices, reducing, reusing and repairing items to decrease waste promoted and promote a circular economy on campus.
Food sustainability is a complex issue, involving factors such as food insecurity, waste, knowledge, and attitudes around food. The branch attempts to address all of these in the events we host and the organisations we work with. The work of the food branch ranges from working with catering services to support their sustainability initiatives to raising awareness about sustainable food practices to redistributing surplus food. All of these are important parts of ensuring food sustainability.
If you have any questions about the work of this branch or about food sustainability, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Contact: Erin Dobson