Glasgow Goes Green Festival
Around eight years ago, universities in Glasgow started celebrating Go Green Week. Since 2015 we've held an annual combined event featuring workshops and stalls shouting about positive action being taken on climate change. We called it, Glasgow Goes Green.
Our events celebrate all that is ethical on our campuses and in our beautiful city, linking environmental issues to climate and social justice.
Students and organisations across Glasgow gather to show their work, their values and actions to make Glasgow, and the World, a better, greener, cleaner place.
GGG 2024
The theme for this year's festival is Celebrating Green Connections. More information can be found here.
GGG 2023
The theme of this year's festival is GROWTH.
We are proud of our city and excited to think together about what would make Glasgow truly flourish?
Post pandemic and in the midst of a Cost of Living Crisis, how do we grow in harmony with our environment?
Get involved
Our festival begins now with you.
Our aim is to plant ideas and exchange them.
This means, we want to know about current community projects and exchange green ideas. Together we will organise a range of events for our Green week, starting on the 13th of March and on the weekend we will celebrate our work with new friends and connections.
Step 1: Sowing Seeds
Reach out to us here by the 13th of January.
Step 2: Bud-ding Up
As soon as you fill out the form, we will get back in contact with you and work together to organise an event for Green Week. Green week is the 13th March - 19th March.
Step 3: Bloom
On the last day of Green Week , the 19th of March, we will celebrate growth in Glasgow during Green Week and meet communities within Glasgow who are involved in supporting positive environmental and sustainable practices throughout the city.
For any questions, please contact Alice Hickin at
GGG 2025
This year's Glasgow Goes Green Event will be on the 5th of March 2025, at the Advanced Research Centre at UofG. Our theme is 'Sustainable Synergies'. This means we will be exploring the diverse ways that sustainability can be integrated across disciplines. We are looking for participants from any and all subjects, see here to sign up!