Glasgow University Environmental Sustainability Team (GUEST) is a team of highly motivated student interns employed by the university to improve sustainability on campus. We aim to promote environmentalism, climate action and social justice through our actions.
The team consists of 12 students working on a part-time basis. 3 of these 12 students are the GUEST coordinators, each overseeing different branches of GUEST.
Each of the 8 branches is led by a Promoter and focuses on different aspects of sustainability on campus. GUEST also hires a bike mechanic who organises regular bike fixes around campus and student halls.
Within the University community, GUEST provide services that make sustainable behaviour changes more accessable. We seek to proactively support staff, students and local community members in Glasgow to enact sustainable change on campus. We also aim to push university decision makers by outlining necessary changes they must make to align the universty with sustainability and social justice. Finally, we collaborate with like-minded local groups and UofG societies when organising events and creating informative materials.
We work to support the University community by:
- Promoting of a culture of sustainability on Gilmorehill Campus.
- Hosting events that explore sustainable behaviour-change and the systemic issues imbedded in the climate crisis, such as economic policy and social inequality.
- Assisting University Management with policy updates through the Sustainable Working Group.
- Fostering sustainability initiatives between staff, students and local residents.
Our vision is to achieve university-wide sustainable action by empowering the student body, staff and academic faculty alike, while increasing awareness of and openness to positive ecological change.
If you have any inquiries, please get in touch with one of the Coordinators. Alternatively, if your inquiry is specific to one of the Promoters listed below, feel free to get in touch with them.
- Paloma Viegas - Paloma.Viegas@glasgow.ac.uk
- Cat Scothorne - Cat.Scothorne@glasgow.ac.uk
- Anna Brown - Anna.Brown@glasgow.ac.uk
- Biodiversity - Andy.Muir@glasgow.ac.uk
- Sustainable Food and Waste - Erin.Dobson@glasgow.ac.uk
- Gardener - Emily.Robson@glasgow.ac.uk
- Graphic Designer - Sophie.Willis@glasgow.ac.uk
- Student and Staff Engagement - Eleni.Retsou@glasgow.ac.uk
- Community Engagement - Samantha.Gibbons@glasgow.ac.uk
- Sustainable Laboratories - Vi.Amara@glasgow.ac.uk
- Sustainable Transport - Lily.Robertson@glasgow.ac.uk
- Bike Mechanic - Josh.Cooke@glasgow.ac.uk
Social Media:
- Facebook: GUEST - Glasgow University Environmental Sustainability Team
- Twitter: @UofGGUEST
- Instagram: @UofGGUEST
Get Involved
- Bring Your Own Bottle Map
- EU Plastic Waste Fact Sheet (pdf)
- Sustainable Careers Guide
- Report: Glasgow’s Community Gardens: Sustainable Communities of Care (pdf)
- UofG Sport Sustainability Webpage
- Book, Article and Podcast List for Learning More About Sustainability (add your recommendations!)
- GUEST's Guide to Engaging with your Community 2024-2025
- Food Aid Network's cost of living resource