The University of Glasgow has inherited, acquired and developed a rich heritage of plant and animal life at the various semi-natural and landscaped sites it occupies.
It is the University’s ongoing responsibility to protect and enhance this heritage, for both its intrinsic value and for the wider benefits that healthy ecosystems can provide; breathable air, potable water and fertile soils. We also recognise the importance of access to green spaces, with regard to the general wellbeing of our staff, students and the local community. We will improve the biodiversity potential of our estate by implementing our Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2022-2027) (pdf).
A wide range of actors contribute to the promotion of biodiversity on campus. The Biodiversity Working Group, chaired by Dr Stewart White, gathers students and university staff to identify best practices relating to biodiversity and promote opportunities for engagement with biodiversity to students. The Glasgow University Environmental Sustainability Team (GUEST) employs a student intern to promote biodiversity on campus.
Reports and surveys
Biodiversity is an important part of our sustainability strategy, and the University conducts ongoing reports and surveys of our biodiversity. These also ensure that the University complies with its legal obligations with regard to Biodiversity Reporting, as described in The Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act (2011).

Biodiversity Working Group
Staff and students working promote biodiversity on campus and beyond
Mapping Biodiversity

Species Stories

Viewfield Lane Gardens

Wildlife Garden

Hedgehog Friendly Campus
