Murano Street Events

Published: 30 September 2022

Semester 1

Movies at Murano

Relax with a movie and popcorn shown on our projector screen

  • Dates:
    • 2nd, 16th, 30th October
    • 13th, 27th November
    • 11th December
  • Time: 7-9pm
  • Location: Distraction Zone, Central Services Building


Movement Mondays

Make friends and explore ways to move more

  • Dates:
    • 3rd, 17th October: Walk to the university gym
    • 14th, 28th November: Run for fun around the west end
  • Time: 7pm
  • Location: Reception, Central Services Building



Meet and find out about different university services

  • Dates:
    • 7th October: UofG Sport
    • 4th November: Student Support Officer
    • 2nd December: Peer Wellbeing Support
  • Time: 9am-2pm
  • Location: Central Services Building


Awareness Events

We will be joined by Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to learn about ways to keep safe

  • Dates:
    • 17th November, 6-8pm: Police Scotland
      • Learn about personal safety, local community initiatives, and have your bike security marked 
    • 28th November, 7-8pm: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Location: Central Services Building


Games Nights

Play board and video games, table tennis, and table football with other students

  • Dates:
    • 9th, 23rd October
    • 6th, 20th November
    • 4th December
  • Time: 7-9pm
  • Location: Distraction Zone, Central Services Building


Craft Club

Get crafty and learn new skills

  • Dates:
    • 12th October: Origami paper crafts
    • 26th October: Pumpkin carving
    • 9th November: Pottery
    • 23rd November: Pottery painting
    • 7th December: Christmas crafts
  • Time: 7-9pm
  • Location: Study Zone, Central Services Building


Hot Chocolate & Chat

Meet a new friend and the Residence Life team for a chat with delicious hot chocolate

  • Dates:
    • 25th October
    • 29th November
  • Time: 7-8pm
  • Location: Distraction Zone, Central Services Building



  • October: Best Halloween Costume

    Send your entries to for a chance to win prizes
  • November: Cleanest Kitchen

    Judged during flat inspections, so keep the kitchen clean to claim a prize

  • December: Best Christmas Jumper

    Send your entries to for a chance to win prizes


Reslife Adventures

Hassle-free return coach trips for students living in university accommodation to make friends and visit bucket-list locations across Scotland

First published: 30 September 2022