Your academic experience
Find out how we are working to improve your experience of teaching and research:
Your non-academic experience
What happens inside the lecture theatre, lab, or seminar room is just part of your student experience. What happens around all of that - your co-curricular experience - can be just as important.
Our aim is to improve it and make it better, providing you with a more supportive, rewarding, and enriching range of opportunities that provide the experience, skills, and knowledge you need, helping you to make the most of your time at UofG and beyond.
To do this, we are focussing on increasing opportunity, supporting wellbeing, improving inclusion and belonging, and enhancing physical and digital environments.
Find out more about our current initiatives, comment, get involved, and suggest new projects.

We want you to:
- benefit from help and support along the way to achieving the degree you want
- make the most of opportunities that enrich your life as a student, helping you to thrive as an individual
- feel like part of the UofG community with a deep connection to our people and places
- access information, advice, and guidance that supports your next steps
- feel positive about your time at UofG, regardless of what, where, and how you studied
Have Your Say
We would love to hear what you think about what we're currently working on, what's important to you, and any ideas you may have for future projects.
Latest News - New Publicity Equipment for Student Clubs and Societies
New Publicity Equipment for Student Clubs and Societies
We're pleased to announce the availability of brand-new publicity equipment for our student clubs and societies. From essential laptops and speakers to functional tables and chairs, a range of resources are now accessible for free loan through the newly established SRC Clubs Lending Library. This initiative serves as a convenient one-stop destination for students to enrich their events/activities.
To deliver the best experience we can, we are working on a range of initiatives to enhance four key areas of your co-curricular experience.
Explore each one to find out what we are doing in the years up to 2026/27.
...and here's the full Student Experience Strategy if you want to find out more.