Student reading on Dumfries campus

As we head into the start of a new academic year, things may feel really exciting but also potentially very uncertain too - you might just be starting out on your university journey, and everything is new, or you might be shifting up a gear from undergraduate to postgraduate study.  

It can feel stressful and daunting when things are changing, and there is no ‘normal’ response. Your feelings might also change from one day to the next – you may feel really excited to be at university one day but quite anxious and a bit overwhelmed the next. We all respond to life’s challenges and uncertainties differently, so how you respond may be different to a friend, but both are equally valid and there is no right or wrong way to feel.  

However, even when life is uncertain, there are lots of proactive steps we can take to maintain our wellbeing and here we’ve rounded up some top tips to help you feel calm and in control as the first semester kicks off! 

Get the wellbeing basics sorted… 

When life it stressful, it is really easy to lose our routines and stop maintaining the basics, so try to keep an eye on:  

  • Eating well - try to minimise sugar and caffeine and eat a rainbow of fresh fruit and veg. 
  • Drinking lots of water - people often underestimate how much hydration helps our cognitive functioning. If you’re feeling low in energy or a bit sluggish, try drinking a pint of water! 
  • Getting quality sleep, around 8 hours' a night. If you're stressed, or struggling to relax and it’s affecting your sleep, there are lots of ways to aid getting a restful night. The virtues of a good night’s sleep should not be underestimated (check out our Sleep Masterclass if you need some practical top tips!)  
  • Keep active – regular movement is a great de-stressor and helps keep us feel fresher and more alert. Do some desk stretching, go for a short walk or throw on some upbeat music and dance around! Exercising is one of the quickest and most effective ways to de-stress. Plus, getting fresh air will clear your head and lift your mood! Check out UofG Sports for plenty more info.  

Get a good routine in place… 

When life is full-on and uncertain, having a good routine can help us to feel more in control:  

  • Think about when and where you work best. Not everyone is a morning person, and there's no one best place or time to work, it's about what works for you.  
  • Take frequent breaks - research tells us that we can only concentrate properly for 30-45 minutes. Try using a technique like Pomodoro to structure your coursework into bitesize chunks, and when you do take a break make sure you don’t stay at your desk - you could go for a walk, do some stretching or even just make a cup of tea. 
  • Plan in fun! Making time for fun activities, especially ones you become engrossed in, or foster your connections with other people, are incredibly good for our wellbeing and really help us achieve some work/ life balance. 

And, when things are a bit overwhelming, remember to breath…!  

Here’s a simple breathing technique that is fantastic for helping us de-stress: 

  • Inhale through your nose gently for two seconds. 
  • Hold your breath in for one second. 
  • Breathe out through your mouth slowly for four seconds. 
  • Repeat for one minute (or longer if you like) and you should feel a difference in your mood! 

If the 2-1-4 count feels too short, try to lengthen your breaths slightly. As long as you breathe out longer than you breathe in, you’ll feel the calming benefit! 

Finding help and guidance 

If you would like to chat to someone about how you’re feeling, you can call our 24/7 Counselling and Advice Line on 0800 028 3766 at any time. You can also connect with support online through the Student Assistance Programme App. 

You can find lots of further information on support for your Health and Wellbeing through the Student Support Hub. 

Some of the support options available include:  

  • Student Listener service - sharing your experiences with a fellow student may be helpful, and our Student Listeners confidential service is here for you. It allows you to talk with and receive support from trained Listeners. 
  • Counselling and Wellbeing Team - if you are experiencing mental health difficulties that are affecting your ability to engage well with your studies, you can self-refer to our Counselling & Wellbeing service for support. 
  • Disability Services – if you have an ongoing mental or physical health condition, you can sign up to support from our Disability Services Team. 
  • Residence Life Team - if you are a student living in halls of residence you can contact the team who are on hand for a support, welfare issues and signposting. 

The UofG Life app also provides useful links to health and wellbeing resources available to students. You can download the app via Apple Store and Google Play. You can also access the app via the University’s app website. 

First published: 12 September 2024

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