A must have for every student at the UofG, the SafeZone App is an app that is monitored 24 hours a day by the UofG Security team ensuring the safety and security of our students - whether it be on campus, at halls or anywhere in between. 

The SafeZone App is a way of helping ensure students feel safe and secure throughout their time at UofG. Although it is primarily designed for on campus working, much of its functionality is still useful for the Covid-19 and lockdown world we are finding ourselves in. 

We hope that no student ever needs to use the SafeZone App, but it is regularly monitored 24 hours a day, so you can have peace of mind in the fact that if you ever need it, you will get a response by the security team who through GPS will know where you are. The other day we tested the app by pressing the emergency button, and the security team called back within 10 seconds - it's that quick.  

This is really just a reminder that the app exists, and that we encourage every student to download it on their mobile devices.

The main functions of the SafeZone App: 
  • The blue button is for general enquiries if you have any questions or need help in a non-emergency situation, such as you're a little lost. 
  • The red button is for emergencies and shares your location with the security team so they can find and assist you as quickly as possible. There's also the option to call emergency services. If you are not within range of the campus the app will call 999 for you, but the security team here at UofG will still be alerted and they'll get in touch to check if you're okay. 
  • The green button is for first aid if you or someone around you needs medical assistance. 

As the days get darker as Winter creeps in, if you ever feel unsafe - whether you are on campus, walking home, or at halls for example, please free to use the app and security will assist you in whatever way they can.  

On a similar note, as we are a couple of months into the academic year, its also important to highlight this is a prime time for scammers to operate. We've already heard of a couple of instances of students falling victim to scams which have involved the exchange of money  so make sure to stay vigilant and be aware of the signs of a scammer. 


There are three golden rules to remember when it comes to spotting scammers:  
  • Slow it down - Scammers often create a sense of urgency to bypass your better instincts. Take time, and question everything. 
  • Spot check - Do your research to double check the details you're getting. If you get an unexpected phone call, hang up. Look up the bank, agency or organization that's calling and get in touch with them directly. 
  • Stop! Don't send - this rule is particularly key. No reputable person or agency will ever demand payment on the spot. In particular scammers tell you to go buy gift cards - which are not designed to be given as payment under threat. This is a big red flag when it comes to scammers - no government organisation for example would request payment via Amazon or iTunes gift cards. 

Unfortunately, there have been some cases of students experiencing fraudulent schemes (scams), by telephone or email, often with the purpose of obtaining money or personal bank details from them.

Such contact can take the form of the caller/email contact pretending to be a representative of a genuine organisation such as the student’s bank, embassy, the police or the Home Office.

You can also find guidance here on what to do if you get an email, telephone call or letter from someone pretending to be the Home Office

In general, if you are suspicious of a caller or emailer:
  • Do not provide any personal details to them (e.g. date of birth, visa details, bank account details)
  • Do not confirm any personal details are correct, if the caller/emailer already has some personal information about you  
  • Be very suspicious if you are asked to pay money, particularly by money transfer, iTunes vouchers or in the form of a fine.  Do not commit to making any payment until you have verified it is genuine request.

If you think you have experienced a scam, please contact the university’s International Student Advisers or you can submit a report online to Action Fraud.

First published: 17 December 2020

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