The 82nd World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) in Glasgow from August 8-12 was a resounding success, with University of Glasgow students and staff playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap between science fiction and cutting-edge research.

With over 700 events and an attendance exceeding 6,500 enthusiasts, Worldcon 2024 showcased the University's leading-edge research and scholarship, demonstrating how today's science fiction is rapidly becoming tomorrow's reality.

University of Glasgow's academics and students took centre stage at numerous Worldcon talks, presentations, and roundtable discussions at the Scottish Events Campus (SEC), captivating audiences with their expertise and innovative ideas.

The free fringe events at UofG's Advanced Research Centre (ARC) were particularly well-received, transporting our students & colleagues, members of the public, and delegates to new dimensions of fantasy and gaming. The collaboration between Worldcon organizers and the University, especially the Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic and the Games and Gaming Lab, resulted in compelling perspectives that exceeded expectations.

Worldcon organisers reported that the University of Glasgow participations were hugely well received by those interested in our leading edge research in science, virtual reality, and literature.


First published: 12 September 2024

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