February’s LGBTQ+ History Month is an annual celebration and remembrance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history in the United Kingdom. To mark the start, the South Front of the University’s Gilbert Scott building will be illuminated in rainbow colours and the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) will host the raising of the Progressive Rainbow Flag on the 1st of February at 12pm, which will then fly on the North flagpole throughout the month. The SRC also have plans to host a range of events including screenings, craft sessions, poster installations and more

A diverse programme of events then kicks off on Friday, 2nd February (7-9pm) with a launch event for the Hunterian Art Galley’s new LGBTQIA Tour, the content of which has been largely student-led. 

The Equality and Diversity Unit (EDU) are then hosting two events.

  • Monday, 12 February, from 2-3.30pm
  • Monday, 19 February, from 6-8pm

‘Inclusive methods, queer data and who counts?‘ with Dr Kevin Guyan, a Research Fellow in the School of Culture and Creative Arts. Get more info and your ticket

‘Scottish Muslims: Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexuality and Pluralism’ with Dr Amanullah de Sondy. This event is a collaboration between the EDU, the LGBTQ+ Staff network and the Global Majority Network. Dr De Sondy is Head of the Study of Religions Department at University College Cork in Ireland and is an affiliate of the Theology and Religious Studies department. Get more info and your ticket

The student society GULGBTQ+ are collaborating with the RAG Society to raise funds for their chosen charity (LEAP Sports Scotland) during the month and will be holding their annual 'Queerfest' (24th /25th February), as well as an extensive programme of events, including film screenings and talks, throughout the month.   The colleague and PRG focussed LGBTQ+ Network also hope to host events during the month, with details to be shared once confirmed.

We will be offering Rainbow Office Hours next month. Rainbow Office Hours are where students are invited to attend office hours with an LGBTQ+ member of staff to discuss anything LGBTQ+ related. The impact of having visible LGBTQ+ staff has been hugely positive. Please contact Dr Emily Nordmann to find out more at Emily.Nordmann@glasgow.ac.uk.

Throughout the month the University Community Choir will be rehearsing ‘True Colours’.  Come along to the Cloisters to hear them perform on Wednesday 28th February.   

Details of other events will be available on the University Events pages, once confirmed – just search ‘LGBT History Month’.

First published: 18 January 2024

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