Students sitting under a tree

As we head into the start of a new academic year, things may feel really exciting but also potentially very uncertain too; you may just be starting out on your university journey and everything is new, or you may be transitioning back to face-to-face learning after studying online.  

It can feel stressful when things are changing, and there is no ‘normal’ response. Your feelings might also change from one day to the next – you may feel really excited to be back at university one day but feel quite anxious the next! We all respond to life’s challenges and uncertainties differently, so how you respond may be different to a friend, but both are equally valid and there is no right or wrong way to feel.  

However, even when life is uncertain, there are lots of proactive steps we can take to maintain our health and wellbeing through this time, and here we’ve rounded up some top tips to help you feel calm and in control as the first semester kicks off! 

Maintain the basics… 

When life it stressful and uncertain, it is really easy to lose our routines and stop maintaining the basics So, try and keep a focus on:  

  • Eating well - try to minimise sugar and caffeine and eat a rainbow of fresh fruit and veg!  
  • Drinking lots of water - people often underestimate how much hydration helps our cognitive functioning – so if you’re feeling low in energy or a bit sluggish, try drinking a pint of water! 
  • Getting quality sleep, around 8 hours' a night. If you're stressed, or struggling to relax and it’s affecting your sleep, there are lots of ways to aid getting a restful night. The virtues of a good night’s sleep should not be underestimated (check out our Sleep Masterclass if you need some practical top tips!)  
  • Keep active – regular movement is a great de-stressor and helps keep us feel fresher and more alert. Do some desk stretching, go for a short walk or throw on some upbeat music and dance around! Exercising is one of the quickest and most effective ways to de-stress. Plus, getting fresh air will clear your head and lift your mood! Check out UofG Sports for plenty more info.  

Get a good routine in place… 

When life is busy and uncertain, having a good routine can help us to feel more in control:  

  • Think about when and where you work best. Not everyone is a morning person, and there's no one best place or time to work, it's about what works for you.  
  • Take frequent breaks. Research tells us that we can only concentrate properly for 30-45 minutes. Try using a technique like Pomodoro to structure your coursework into bitesize chunks, and when you do take a break make sure you don’t stay at your desk - you could go for a walk, do some stretching or even just make a cup of tea! 

Ground yourself… 

Starting University is a big change; even if this isn’t your first year, you might find transitioning back to study and to campus a bit daunting. If you feel your anxiety rising at any point, try a simple grounding technique – pause, and find:  

  • 5 things you can see 
  • 4 things you can hear 
  • 3 things you can smell 
  • 2 things you can touch 
  • 1 thing you can taste 


And remember to breath…. 

Here’s how in 4 easy steps: 

  • Inhale through your nose gently for two seconds. 
  • Hold your breath in for one second. 
  • Breathe out through your mouth slowly for four seconds. 
  • Repeat for one minute (or longer if you like) and you should feel a difference in your mood! 

If the 2-1-4 count feels too short, try to lengthen your breaths slightly. As long as you breathe out longer than you breathe in, you’ll feel the calming benefit! 

Wellbeing Masterclasses  

This month we are delighted to be launching our Semester 1 Programme of Wellbeing Masterclasses! These are open to all students and cover a wide array of key mental health and wellbeing topics, including managing change and uncertainty, improving our sleep quality and dealing with procrastination.  

You can find details on the Masterclass, including topics and how to book on the Counselling Team webpages here.  

Additional Information & Resources 

You can find more information on the Counselling Team webpages, and if you would like to speak to someone about how you’re feeling, there are a number of support services available: 

  • Sharing your experiences with a fellow student may also be helpful, and Peer Wellbeing Support is a confidential, student-led listening service. It allows students to talk and share their problems, and receive support from trained Peer Wellbeing Supporters. 
  • If you are experiencing mental health difficulties that are affecting your ability to function, you can self-refer to our Counselling and Wellbeing Teams via their website for a consultation (remember to check your email regularly, as you will be asked to complete pre-appointment information once you have registered).  
  • The International Student Support Team can provide support and guidance for international students You can find details here including upcoming online social events. 
  • Glasgow Students Nightline is a confidential listening service operated by students for students, you can find more information on their webpage 
  • If you are a student living in halls of residence you can contact your Residence Life Team who are on hand for support, welfare issues and signposting. 

The UofG Life app also provides useful links to health and wellbeing resources available to students. You can download the app via Apple Store and Google Play. You can also access the app via the University’s app website

First published: 5 October 2022

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