Never ones to put off a challenge, last week the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) took their usual Pride Month celebrations and brought them online under the banner #UofGPrideAtHome 

From Monday 15 June to Sunday 21 June, the SRC hosted virtual events and activities from a range of UofG Clubs and Societies, asserting that “though some of our students might be away from Glasgow that doesn’t mean we can’t still celebrate our pride and make some noise for equality”. 

Two SRC members with the Pride flag

Some Highlights of the Week Included: 

Pride Flag Raising 

The SRC began their week of celebrations by taking a social-distanced trip to our Gilmorehill Campus to raise the Pride Flag. Tom McFerran, SRC Vice President Student Support, said: It was so amazing to be back on campus, and be part of a University that openly celebrates its LGBTQ+ community”.

SQIFF-lix and Chill  

All throughout Pride Month, Scottish Queer International Film Festival (SQIFF) are hosting a programme of online short films under the name Sqifflix. The SRC’s LGBTQ+ Equality Officer spoke with Kiana Kalantar, director of one of the featured films Poly AmourView that interview here. Learn more about SQIFF, which this year runs from 14 to 18 October in Glasgow, on their website.

Pronouns 101 

Don’t know why people keep talking about pronouns? Well on Friday (add date in?) the SRC and GULGBTQ+ Society organised an interactive presentation explaining the importance of pronouns and respectful language when talking to, and about, trans and non-binary people. Watch a recording of the event here 

Digital Queer Art Exhibition 

On Sunday the SRC shared a link to an interactive Queer art exhibition, hosted on the app Artsteps. This free app allows you to ‘walk around’ a 3D virtual space, clicking on pieces of art work to learn more about the piece and artist. Check it out! 

All Activities

The full range of activities included a virtual pride march, BAME POC panel, pet competition, and dance lessons plus featured activities from: GULGBTQ+, UofG LGBT+, GUSA, Staff Network, Glasgow Students Dance Company, TEDxUofG, GU BAME Society, GU Amnesty, GU Sewing Society, Elephant in the Room, GU Anglican Society, GU Film Soc and Glasgow Marrow. All of these can be found on the SRC’s Facebook page 

Happy Pride Month everyone!  


First published: 25 June 2020

<< 2020