Beyond Exchange Partners Week March 2025: Provisional Programme

With students facing more financial pressures than ever before, many of them experience multiple barriers to studying abroad. It is crucial that we innovate and provide a variety of opportunities for students to engage with international experiences.

The Beyond Exchange Partners Week will bring together staff from the University of Glasgow’s partners to discuss alternatives to traditional student exchange, and to share best practice and innovative ideas. The Five Day Event will include sessions on summer schools, internships, virtual programmes, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), with a focus on themes of accessibility, sustainability, recognition, and embedding into the curriculum. 

For further details, please see our Timetable Below. 

March 10th- Monday Schedule



Item / Agenda  


237C ARC 

Registration and coffee 


237C ARC 

Welcome to UofG, Dr Andrew Struan, Director of Academic Services  

Overview of the week 

Participant introductions 


237C ARC 

Introduction to the ARC, Dr Ross Cameron, Event and Exhibition Producer, ARC 


237C ARC 

Coffee break 


237C ARC 

Overview of UofG’s international strategy, Charlotte Kedslie, Head of International Relations 


237C ARC 

Keynote speech: Reflections on mobility from an Erasmus Mundus alumna, Andreea Tint, Student Mobility Coordinator in College of Arts and Humanities 


237C ARC 



237C ARC 

Long-term exchange programmes at UofG: A look at our processes, numbers and trends, Lauren Hoare, Head of Global Opportunities 


237C ARC 

Studying in Glasgow: a visiting student’s perspective, Noah Reinhardt, Visiting Student Ambassador from the University of Bonn 


237C ARC 

Long-term exchange vs alternative models 

Part One: benefits and barriers to long-term exchange 

We will be discussing the following questions: 

  1. What are the unique benefits of long-term exchange and how can we promote these to students? 
  1. What challenges or barriers do you see at your institutions to participation in long-term exchange? 


237C ARC 

Coffee break  


237C ARC 

Long-term exchange vs alternative models 

Part Two: solutions 

We will be discussing the following questions: 

  1. How do alternative models of student mobility address these challenges? 
  1. What difficulties have you experienced/do you anticipate with implementing alternative mobility formats? 



Campus Tour and group photograph 


Hunterian Museum, Main Building 

Welcome drinks reception with welcome toast by Rachel Sandison, Deputy Vice Chancellor – External Engagement and Vice Principal – External Relations 

March 11th- Tuesday Schedule



Item / Agenda  


237C ARC 

Welcome and coffee 


237C ARC 

Alternative mobility formats – case studies of successful models 

Prof Alexandru-Mihai Cartis, University of Bucharest – The CIVIS approach to Blended Intensive Programmes 

Prof Jim Murdoch – Europe and the Rule of Law 

Dr Michelle Bloor – H2O Pollution: holistic approach and nature-based solutions 

Dr Iain Findlay-Walsh - Sacred Sounds, Sacred Spaces: The Occidental Mediterranean 



237C ARC 

Coffee break 


237C ARC 

Summer Programming – case studies of successful models  

Steven Trevallion, University of Tübingen 

Maili Vilson, University of Tartu 

Emmanuel Cenuse, University of Lausanne 


237C ARC 



237C ARC 

Embedding alternative mobility in the curriculum, Dr Ashley Lewis Cole, Learning and Teaching Strategy Manager 


Ashley will present on UofG’s Curriculum for Life and lead a discussion on challenges and solutions related to embedding mobility within the curriculum 



237C ARC 

Coffee break 


237C ARC 

Engaging students and staff in mobility  

This panel session will bring together our Student Representative Council, students from different backgrounds who have participated in mobility, and staff who have organised and run alternative mobility formats. 

The panel will discuss the benefits to students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, in participating in mobility, the barriers they face, and how we can better engage students to participate, and staff to dedicate time to developing and running these programmes.  

Panel chair and members: 

Duncan Calvert, SRC representative for School of Modern Languages and Cultures 

Helen Martin, School of Education 

Dr Alvise Favotto, Adam Smith Business School 

Louis Stephen, student 

Two students from the School of Education

March 12th- Wednesday Schedule



Item / Agenda  


237C ARC 

Welcome and coffee 


237C ARC 

Sustainability issues and green mobility 

Facilitated by Prof Ria Dunkley, Associate Director of Centre for Sustainable Solutions 

With a presentation from Lauren Crilly, UofG Eco-Hub Coordinator 

During this session we will discuss institutions’ current good practice in sustainability, before holding a debate on the following viewpoints: 

  • Green mobility starts and ends with the travel itself – we must find ways to reduce the environmental impact of this. 
  • We should focus our efforts on initiatives to allow students to have a more sustainable experience while in-country and adopt a long-term sustainable mindset








An alternative tour of UofG: insights into our lesser-seen parts of campus 

March 13th- Thursday Schedule



Item / Agenda 


Senate Room

Welcome and coffee


Senate Room









COIL and virtual mobility

Tara Sutton, International Programmes Officer, Universitas 21

Dr Ashley Lewis Cole, Learning and Teaching Strategy Manager

Dr Gabriella Rodolico, School of Education

Dr Francisco Valdera-Gil, School of Education

In this session, Tara will lead a presentation and discussion of U21’s virtual programming offer. This will be followed by a presentation and discussion by Ashley, Gabriella and Fran on UofG’s approach to COIL, including newly launched guidance from academic staff, and successful models from the School of Education.






Senate Room

Beyond Exchange: Towards Employability

This panel session will consider how trends in mobility feed into student futures and will expand the discussion to include colleagues working in Careers, and the Higher Education sector more broadly.


Panel chair: Sarah Armour, Head of Employability and Student Opportunity, UofG

Final panel members to be confirmed, but will include:

Dr David Donaldson, Senior Policy Officer International, Universities Scotland

Chelsea Ferguson, Projects Advisor, Study and Work Away, University of Edinburgh

Lorna Dargan, Director of Careers Services, University of St Andrews


Senate Room

Summer or Short-Term Opportunities promotion session for students

Our international partners will present short-term opportunities available at their institutions to UofG students during this session.

Radboud University

University of Bucharest

University of Tartu

University of Tübingen



Civic Reception at the City Chambers, with welcome from Lord Provost and Prof William Cushley, Assistant Vice-Principal International

March 14th- Friday Schedule



Item / Agenda 


Senate Room

Welcome and coffee


Senate Room

Internships and Work-Related Learning

This session will run in a World Café format and will be attended by the following UofG colleagues involved in international internships or work-related learning:

Dr David Bailey, School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine

Dr Matteo Ceriotti, School of Engineering

Dr Craig Napier, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing

Vincent Fitzsimmons, The Intern Group