Appendix 2C

Outcome Letter - No Case To Answer

Ref/Student ID




I refer to your appearance before me on <insert date> in connection with a report which alleged that <insert details of allegation>. 

Having considered the evidence and your explanations, I have concluded that there is no evidence of plagiarism in this case. 

No further action will be taken with regard to this allegation and therefore no action will be taken.

<the relevant member of staff> will now be requested to  arrange for your work be marked and for the results to be made known to you.

Yours sincerely


Head of School

Cc:  Member of Staff reporting


Information and resources to help you avoid any future referrals for academic misconduct

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Academic Policy & Governance - Academic Appeals - Conduct - Student Conduct (students) - Avoiding Academic Misconduct

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Student Learning Development - Plagiarism

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Student Learning Development

Self-enrol on the 'Avoiding plagiarism and good academic writing' Moodle course: 

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Student Learning Development - Plagiarism - Using Turnitin

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - MyGlasgow Students - Exams


Student Support

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - MyGlasgow Students - Support Officers