Appendix 2A

Outcome Letter - Plagiarism established

Ref/Student ID






I refer to your appearance before me on <insert date> in connection with a report which alleged that <insert details of allegation>. 

Having considered the evidence and your explanations, I have concluded on the balance of probabilities that your assignment does indeed contain a <significant/fair/small - delete as appropriate> amount of text which has been plagiarised. Plagiarism is considered to be fraudulent and is an offence against University student conduct. Therefore, I have decided that the grade you will receive for <the piece of work concerned> will be <Grade H - or other as appropriate>. You will/will not be permitted to resubmit the work. (Delete section in yellow, below, if not permitted)

I was concerned that:

  • <insert list explaining the main problems with the work>

You are advised/required to:

  • <give details of good practice>
  • <give details of sources of further information>

You are now required to <insert details of resubmission> to be submitted by <insert deadline>.

The University has an excellent reputation for the quality of its degrees. Academic misconduct, including plagiarism, can undermine that quality and reputation. Action is therefore taken against students found to be using unfair means in assessments to ensure that academic standards and the reputation of the University are upheld.

You are also warned that if you are brought to my attention, or that of any other Head of School, again in the future whilst you continue to be a registered student of this University, in respect of plagiarism, then the matter is likely to be referred to the Senate Assessors for Student Conduct. A copy of this letter will be lodged with the Student Conduct Team and kept as a record of this incident. 

You have the right to appeal to the Senate Assessors for Student Conduct with respect to the penalty imposed by me.  Your appeal must be made in writing to the Student Conduct Team – - within 10 working days of the date of this letter.

Yours sincerely

Head of School

Cc:       Member of Staff reporting
            Chief Adviser of Student’s home college
            Student Conduct Team




Information and resources to help you avoid any future referrals for academic misconduct

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Academic Policy & Governance - Academic Appeals - Conduct - Student Conduct (students) - Avoiding Academic Misconduct

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Student Learning Development - Plagiarism

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Student Learning Development

Self-enrol on the 'Avoiding plagiarism and good academic writing' Moodle course: 

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Student Learning Development - Plagiarism - Using Turnitin

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - MyGlasgow Students - Exams


Student Support

University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - MyGlasgow Students - Support Officers