Reporting Non-Academic Misconduct

Who can report?

Allegations may be reported by:

a)  members of the University community (e.g. other University students, members of staff, and contractors or others working on or visiting University premises); and

b)  other third parties (outside of the University community) where the student’s conduct is related to a University activity or where the University in its sole discretion considers that the student’s conduct may harm the safety, interests or reputation of the University.


Who can be reported?

All students, from the point at which they accept an offer from the University (including students whose studies have been suspended).

Former students may also be reported, and action may be taken if the alleged misconduct occurred whilst they were a student at the University. 


What can be reported?

Conduct which falls short of the standard of behaviour expected by the University.

A non-exhaustive list of non-academic misconduct can be found in Annex B of the Code of Student Conduct.


How to report misconduct


Helpful details to include in a report:

  • Your name and relationship to the person you are reporting (note that under the Code we are unable to take forward anonymous reports)
  • The name of the student you are reporting and the programme of study they are currently on (if known)
  • An outline of the allegations
  • Any supporting evidence you may have, for example, screenshots of messages or social media, emails etc

 University of Glasgow students may also submit a report online here.

Why report misconduct?

We want the University to be a safe, supportive and inclusive community, fostering a positive environment for all.