Non-Academic Misconduct Process

What happens after a report of non-academic misconduct is made?

A Student Conduct Case Manager will review the report, normally in liaison with the Head of Student Conduct, to decide if the matter can be looked into under the Code of Student Conduct. They may request further information from the Reporting Individual.

Where there is a potential risk of harm to the Reporting Individual, or to the wider University community, a Risk Assessment Group may be convened to assess the risk and impose precautionary measures if required. Further details of Risk Assessment can be found in the Code of Student Conduct, 33.80 - 33.87.

Each report is considered on a case by case basis, and every situation is different. There is a range of potential routes to resolution, as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, and as summarised here.


Standard of Proof – Balance of Probabilities

The standard of proof at each stage of the procedures under the Code of Student Conduct is on the balance of probabilities (rather than beyond reasonable doubt). This means that, for each event or incident, the relevant Decision Maker must be satisfied, on the evidence available, that it is more likely than not that the event or incident occurred.