
Content relating to research activity should be hosted within a t4 section named 'Research' (eg. Schools > School of Chemistry > Research)

To publish research related content for your school or research institute, please follow these steps (note: you must first be trained and registered as a t4 Moderator or Contributor):

  1. Contact your Principal Web Publisher (PWP) to create and access your t4 research section
  2. Follow our best practice guidelines

Follow our best practice guidelines

  1. Populate this section with content relating to research activity that would be of interest to your key external audiences eg. research funders, research partners, potential students, the media. 
  2. Publish research content into sub-sections that correspond to the subjects that belong to your school or RI. For example, the structure of the research section for the School of Modern Languages looks like the image below
    general research 

Typical content within each research subject may relate to the research activitiy of the following

  • postgraduate research opportunites (for prospective students eg. phd studentship, research masters). This should be hosted in a t4 sub-section named 'Postgraduate research opportunities'
  • centres, groups, projects etc
  • highlighted individual research, awards and indicators of esteem
  • collaboration with industry and other research organisations
  • RAE ratings

Content relating to interdisciplinary research may be hosted within a subject or within it's own sub-section.

Note:  Research information relating directly to an individual may also be hosted using our 'Staff profiles' template.  Information relating to postgraduate research applications, fees and funding should be hosted within your parent graduate school.

In rare exceptions, when a research activity does not have a parent school or research institute, content may be hosted within the central university research website at or within the parent college website.