Staff profiles (for research active staff)

research profile exampleThe webteam can provide all schools and research instututes with a 'tabbed' staff profile template for all research active colleagues (as pictured right). This template is automatically populated with publications drawn from Enlighten and contact details drawn from the HR database (ie. the same content that populates the Staff A-Z at Other categories of content should (commonly) be manually populated by school staff.

This template will be distributed via your Principal Web Publisher (PWP) following one of two models:

Minimal staff profile model

This is suitable for schools that do not have a legacy staff profile system. The PWP should consult with colleagues to ensure that they are satisfied with the publications data held in Enlighten.  At this point, the webteam will generate a minimal staff profile  ie. only contact details and publications are published for each member of staff.  Research interests, Grants, Supervision, Teaching and Additional information may then be published as it is manually added into t4 by the PWP or other school web publishers. Note: tabs that do not contain content, do not display.

Data migration staff profile model

This is suitable for schools that do have a legacy staff profile system. The PWP should consult with colleagues to ensure that they are satisfied with the publications data held in Enlighten.  At this point, the webteam will assess the data in the schools existing legacy staff profile system. If suitable, the data will be migrated from the existing legacy database into t4.  This migration may leave gaps in the profile, which the school will be required to fill in as necessary using t4.

Staff profiles will be hosted and published within the parent school (or research institute )website of each staff member eg.

Staff profile portrait

Portrait images (as pictured in the example above)  should be 158 px in width (height optional)

Note: Some colleagues prefer to publish additional content on their own 'personal web pages' and link to these from this profile.