Legal requirements for web publishers
Legal requirements for web publishers
Detailed guidance on legal matters is not practicable here. However, Web Publishers must:
- Comply with the terms of relevant legislation listed below, and obtain advice if necessary.
- Computer Misuse Act
- Copyright Designs and Patents Act
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act
- Data Protection Act
- Disablility Discrimination Act
- Equal Opportunities Act
- General Data Protection Regulations
- Obscene Publications Act
- Official Secrets Act
- Protection of Children Act
- Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018
- Race Relations Act
- Telecommunications Act
- Libel laws
- Remove or request removal of any material that is known to be illegal.
There is not necessarily a legal difference between disseminating information via the web and on paper, but the web may well reach a wider range of people thus material must be checked and considered carefully before publication.
Further information
- General Data Protection Regulation
- Accessibility