Our Approach

Our approach is collaborative and inclusive. Together, we will co-create inspiring workspace experiences that not only boost productivity but also nurture a strong sense of community and drive innovation. We understand the value of each individual's needs and well-being, and we prioritise them to ensure that every colleague and student feels supported and valued.

Our Central Question

How might we co-create inspiring workspace experiences within our world class research-intensive University that promotes innovative and effective ways of working whilst:

  • Strengthening our sense of community
  • Using space in an efficient and sustainable way
  • Acknowledging the diversity in needs and the wellbeing of all colleagues, students and visitors

Critical Success Factors

The Critical Success Factors outline the key objectives and drivers for the Workspace Futures 2030 project, crafted from insights gathered via Leadership Interviews. These factors encapsulate vital elements for achieving success in the forthcoming 3-5 years. They serve as the cornerstone for UofG's hybrid working scenario development, aligning with the University's long-term strategy.

  • Provide Service Excellence: We are a trusted partner to our customers
  • Boost Research and Innovation: Boost the quality of research and innovation by facilitating cross-disciplinarity and collaboration
  • Strengthen Community: Enhance the feeling of being connected to each other as well as being part of the University community
  • Controlled Growth: Support controlled growth in all areas aligned with the University's vision and strategy
  • People First: Experience a culture of wellbeing that reflects the UofG values and puts people first in a great place to work
  • Mindset Shift: Promote a shift in mindset from individual and siloed to collective
  • Campus Fit for Purpose: Efficient use of space to support our sustainability agenda and ensure affordability

Foundational Pillars

Foundational Pillars have been developed from the interviews and interaction with UofG Workspace Futures Programme Board Leaders. These Pillars play a key role in envisioning the appropriate scenarios for UofG Future Workspace 2030 projects.

  • Innovation: The degree to which today's mindset is supporting a culture of innovation in research and new ways of working
  • Community: To what extent is the community and belonging desired to reside within a team, building, school or campus versus with the wider University
  • Change: How change is managed and implemented
  • Cross-Functional Connection: How cross-functional collaboration and connections are encouraged and supported
  • Workspace Ownership: The degree to which (work)space is owned by an individual or team versus being considered a shared resource
  • Choice: The degree of choice people have on where to work
  • Consistency: The degree to which the workplace solution is a consistent experience fine-tuned to specific needs
  • Work Mode: The degree to which work and research are individual versus cross-functional and collaborative