Third party requests to use our logo

Approved suppliers  

Suppliers that you work with may request to use our logo in order to promote us as clients. This is permitted if the supplier is currently an approved supplier. Check that the person who looks after that supplier relationship is happy with how the logo will be used. 

Conference materials 

The logo can be used on conference materials if a member of University staff is involved in organising the conference or is hosting it. If a member of University staff is speaking at a conference, they should approve the use of their details and the logo. 

Other universities 

Other universities are permitted to use our logo if we have been involved with joint initiatives or research projects. Check with the relevant UofG academic or project manager so that they can provide approval. 

Funding bodies 

Funding bodies may request to use our logo to promote projects that they have supported. Check with the relevant UofG academic or project manager so that they can provide approval. 

External use of marque to identify or endorse research output/outcomes

External organisations may request the use of our logo to promote us as clients or to promote joint projects or research outcomes. Approval for requests of this nature are managed by our Research Strategy Directorate. Please complete the Request to use University logo form and send it to Laura Tyler, Research Communications Manager: