Fitness & Wellbeing
UofG Sport is committed to supporting your health and wellbeing, in person and online.
You'll find resources here to help with nutrition, exercise and general wellbeing, and don't forget the UofG Sport app has a library of free, on-demand fitness classes!
Quick Links

A library of our cardiovascular workouts to enjoy whenever you need some aerobic exercise. All ability levels included for you to choose from.

Strength & Conditioning
A collection of workouts demonstrating simple and effective ways to improve your balance, flexibility and strength.

& Mindfulness
Information for healthy eating during challenging times, and five-minute meditations to help you slow down and quieten the mind.

Desk to 3K
Whilst we're at home with restricted outdoor exercise time, why don't you put your time to its best use? The UofG Sport Desk to 3K is a programme which will help efficiently move you from minimal exercise to running 3km with ease, in just eight weeks!
Strava Club
An online club for all our members to come together, share activities and encourage each other!
UofG Sport Spotify
Listen to the new UofG Sport Spotify – during your daily exercise or when you're attending one of our live online classes – created by Fran, a 3rd-year MEd student. Enjoy!
Useful Links
- University of Glasgow – Counselling & Psychological Services
- SAMH.org — Coronavirus and your mental wellbeing
- SportEngland.org — How to stay active while you're at home
- NHS.uk — Every Mind Matters: Looking after your mental health
- Mind.org.uk — Coronavirus and your wellbeing
- Vox.com — Coronavirus anxiety: Tara Brach on how to use mindfulness in a pandemic
- WHO.int — Coping with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
- NHS.uk — Stay at home advice
- ExaminerLive.co.uk — Keeping in touch during self-isolation
- HealthClubManagement.co.uk — Regular exercise beneficial to the immune system
You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. If you have any reason to believe that you may have health/medical issues which may affect your ability to exercise, then you must seek medical advice before participating in any of UofG Sport's suggested exercises. Never rely on information on this website in place of seeking professional medical advice. You should understand that when participating in any exercise there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself.