Club Sport

How to Join a Club

1. Become a member of UofG SPORT

UofG Sport gym membership is required for access to GUSA sports clubs.

You can join UofG Sport online, or at the Stevenson Building or Garscube Sports Complex.

Important: For access to GUSA sports clubs, you will require a full-access SPORT membership (12-Month or Semester). Fitness & Wellbeing memberships do not provide access to GUSA sports clubs.

Join UofG SPORT online

2. Join a club

You can join clubs at any time of the year – and you can participate in as many clubs as you wish!

Clubs have a small joining fee which helps them cover their costs.

Please feel free to contact the clubs directly if you're not sure what membership type you should select. You can then join online here:

Join a club online

Levels of entry

  • Sports clubs cater for all skill levels and abilities
  • If you want to get a bit of exercise, socialise and learn new skills, club sport is for you!
  • Some clubs also run specific sessions for their top athletes