What Are the Different Ways I Can Give Feedback?

Your Academic Experience

Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) 

Staff-Student Liaison Committee (known as SSLC) is just the name for a meeting where some senior members of staff, administration staff and lecturers get together with Class Reps to discuss any subject-wide or School-wide issues.  Class reps will be invited to attend at least two of these in a year.

Course Evaluation Questionnaire (also known as Evasys)

All courses must use a course questionnaire as one of the methods used to solicit feedback from you. These are sent out once a semester, usually at the middle or end of the course. They use core questions outlined by the University, but some courses may add additional questions.

The Student Survey

The Student Survey is an annual survey of our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught student population. This will help the university better understand your experience during each academic year. The survey is run annually in April/May and you will be invited to take part at the end of April. 

Graduate Outcomes Survey

The Graduate Outcomes is a survey to find out what recent graduates go on to do after they have graduated. The survey is important because your opinions will help current and future students gain an insight into career destinations and development and the University to shape our programmes for students who are following in your footsteps. This survey takes place 15 months after graduation.

National Student Survey

The National Student Survey (NSS) is your chance to look back on your higher education experience as an undergraduate and speak out on everything from the teaching on your course, access to resources and equipment, and even about the student voice.

School Student Voice Inbox

Know that staff have an expectation to respond to your feedback and concerns. If they are not responding, speak to your Class Rep. You can also engage with your College’s Student Voice inbox. A list of these addresses can be found here:

Your Non-Academic Experience

Feedback on your student experience outside of the classroom, comment on existing projects and make suggestions for new ones.