How Should Feedback Be Addressed?

Course Evaluation Questionnaire

For each course, the course co-ordinator should summarise the student responses from the Course Evaluation Questionnaire in a ‘Summary & Response’ document (SaRD, Appendix 2). This will be made available as promptly as possible, normally no later than three weeks after the survey closing date. It will be raised for discussion at the next Staff-Student Liaison Committee Meeting (SSLC) (or equivalent), which will also provide the opportunity for periodic updates on progress to be discussed. SaRDS are also made available to incoming students for the next offering of the course.

Alternative Routes to Feedback

Your lecturer may opt to address your feedback in-person or digitally, for example via email. This can be expected in a timely manner.

You may have your feedback addressed by class reps, following SSLC meetings.