How to Give Feedback?

What should you expect when it comes to feedback? Your feedback should be requested regularly thought course evaluation surveys. These are circulated mid or end of semester. Alternatively, you can go directly to your course convenor or class rep with your feedback.

Class Reps

Class Reps are essential to both the University and the SRC. They allow you to air your views to the academics on issues like course content, teaching and resources. You can find your Class Rep here. Any student at the University can become a Class Rep. They are elected in class during the first few weeks of each semester with the class lecturer or course convenor organising a brief election. Find out more about Class Reps on the SRC website.

Student Staff Liaison Committee

Class reps may ask for your feedback ahead of their Student Staff Liaison Committee meetings. Typically these meetings consist of senior members of staff, administration staff and lecturers who get together with Class Reps to discuss any subject-wide or School-wide issues.  As a class rep you will be invited to attend at least two of these in a year. Find out more about SSLCs here.

Informal Feedback

Informal Feedback may be gathered by lectures from time to time to help enhance learning and teaching. For example, to obtain student response to an innovation, assessment methods, student workload, suitability of textbooks or course materials or discuss learning and teaching during a course. This may be done through questionnaires, Moodle polls or other informal methods. Alternatively, you may request a meeting with your lecturer during office hours to discuss matters or issues outside of typical reflection times (i.e end of year evaluations).

Feedback on your non-academic experiences

What happens inside the lecture theatre, lab, or seminar room is just part of your student experience. What happens around all of that - your co-curricular experience - can be just as important. We aim to improve it and make it better, providing you with a more supportive, rewarding, and enriching range of opportunities that provide the experience, skills, and knowledge you need, helping you to make the most of your time at UofG and beyond.

To do this, UofG is focussing on increasing opportunity, supporting wellbeing, improving inclusion and belonging, and enhancing physical and digital environments. Find out more about the current initiatives, comment, get involved, and suggest new projects.