Report an incident of sexual violence or harassment
You can submit a report to tell us about an incident of sexual violence or harassment.
This can be an incident that affected you, a colleague or a student.
A member of the Equality & Diversity Unit will initially review each report.
If you would prefer to speak to someone, you can contact your local People & OD team.
Supporting a survivor of sexual violence
If a student is a survivor of sexual violence, you can be an important source of support.
What you can do:
- To respond effectively to a disclosure of sexual violence, you should provide a safe space that empowers the survivor to access what they need.
- Let the survivor take the lead- it is important that they are in control.
- Refer the survivor to sources of professional support.
- Look after yourself too.
Things to remember:
- It is important not to be judgemental, show disbelief or 'victim blame'. Don't probe for details, and don't try to take control.
- Don't push them into making decisions such as reporting to the police if they don't want to.
- Don't try to fix the problem, just show that you believe the survivor and ask them what they want to happen.
- Don't cast doubt on the disclosure. Less than 3% of sexual violence allegations are proven to be false.
Guidance if you receive a report
Guidance on what to do if you receive a report of sexual violence or harassment:
Kelly Archer, Safeguarding Manager, explains how you can support a student who has reported an incident.
Support & Resources
University services that can offer support
Online training courses
These Moodle courses aim to give a better understanding of issues related to sexual harassment and gender equality.
Resource pack for staff
This resource pack has been designed to help staff raise awareness and highlight the support and resouces available to our community.
On-campus emergency contacts
University campus security:
- Gilmorehill: 0141 330 4444 (ext. 4444)
- Garscube: 0141 330 2222 (ext. 2222)
Off-campus emergency contacts
Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 (only between 6pm and midnight)
- 999 (emergency)
- 101 (non-emergency)
NHS24: 111