Zurich Resilience Solutions safety courses
SEPS have occasional access to a suite of no-cost on-line safety training courses provided by the University insurers, Zurich Resilience Solutions. These are open to staff across the University and run for 3 hours. There is some group activity so you will need an environment where you can talk without disturbing others. Although University staff will have priority, postgraduate students may also register an interest and will be offered places if these are available. These courses are NOT open to anyone from outwith the University.
The courses are suitable as an introduction to the topic for staff who have specific safety management functions, although we would recommend that Safety Co-ordinators, certainly in higher risk units, attend our IOSH certificated “Managing Safely” course, rather than these short courses.
Staff may choose any combination of courses from the three available.
PLEASE NOTE:- These courses only run when available from Zurich Resilience Solutions.
To attend these courses please register an interest by contacting safety@glasgow.ac.uk
Risk assessment (one–day) - This course covers the fundamental principles of risk assessment and is aimed at anyone who has to carry out or review risk assessments.
Risk assessment course outline
Inspection systems (half-day) - This course is aimed at staff who set-up or take part in internal departmental systems for carrying out periodic safety inspection of their workplaces. This should be done in virtually all workplaces to some level, including office environments.
Inspection systems course outline
Incident investigation (half-day) - This is relevant to all staff and aims to provide a basic understanding of the need for reporting and investigation of near-misses and accidents, an appreciation of how to conduct an effective investigation and how to use the information to best effect to improve safety.
Incident investigation course outline