Report an incident

‌All work-related accidents involving injury or damage to property and significant "near-miss" incidents MUST be reported to the Safety and Environmental Protection Service.  This includes any incidents that happen while homeworking, but only if these are work-related. Serious incidents should be notified immediately to SEPS by email see Contacts page).

Incident Reports should be submitted to SEPS using the webform links below.

Submit an Incident Report  (GUID required) - Incident Report Form

Don't have a GUID? Use as a guest - Incident Report Form

So that legal time limits for reporting relevant incidents to the Health and Safety Executive are not exceeded, don't delay sending an initial report while waiting for additional information or investigating the incident - that information can be supplied later when it is available.  We require initial reports within a few days of any incident.

Please make sure that you have also reported the incident within your own department either to your line manager or via the local reporting system. To support this, the webform allows you to include email addresses to which the report will circulated. Multiple email addresses can be entered, separated by a semicolon.

‌Note that SEPS will not action fabric repairs via this system and you should submit a Works Request to Estates if remedial work is required. Where this has been done, it is helpful to indicate this on the incident report.

We aim to handle all data in accordance with data protection legal requirements. Information on our data handling policy can be viewed here: SEPS Privacy Notice