Looking Back - 2001
We started the 2001 session with our AGM on 16th February 2001, followed by the Annual Burns Iqbal Supper. Scottish and Pakistani singers entertained us and Dr Iftikhar Malik, and Cllr Tom Barrie spoke effusively on Burns and Iqbal.
In April the Deputy Managing Director of the Pakistan Tourism and Development Corporation, Mr Raja Changez Sultan visited Glasgow and attended a social evening given by the SPA. He gave a lecture on tourism in Pakistan which was followed by lively discussion and debate.
Pakistan Independence Day Dinner on 14th August was celebrated in style in the Panjea restaurant in Kent Road, Glasgow
History and Development of Urdu
The seminar on the History and Development of Urdu in October brought speakers from Pakistan and India. Dr Jamil Jalibi, a world authority on Urdu spoke of its development from the 15th to 17th century, Mr Yunis Dehlvi, a well-known magazine owner continued, and Mr Kaiser Tamkeen, a writer and journalist from Wales, followed him. Delegates came from London, Edinburgh, and Wales to Strathclyde University where it was held. The SPA plan to publish the proceedings of this seminar in the near future, and also on this site.
Women and Development in Pakistan
A lecture was given by Dr Sarah Safdar (standing centre, in left hand photo), Chairperson of the Social Work Department, University of Peshawar, on 'Women and Development in Pakistan' on 17th December. Dr Safdar highlighted the present status and role of women in Pakistan's development and this was followed by a wide ranging discussion. The event was jointly organised by the University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde. It was sponsored by the British Council and the SPA.
Christmas Eid Party
On 19th December we celebrated a late Eid and an early Christmas. Christmas carols welcomed everyone into the staff club at Strathclyde University for our Christmas Eid Party, followed bya mini Mushaira (organised by the SPA council member and poet, Ms Rahat Zahid). It brought together children and families from both communities to celebrate both great holy days. Two children from Holy Cross Primary and two from Holyrood Secondary won prizes of £25 for the best essays on Christmas and Eid.
Young singers and poets entertained us, and we then all ate our fill at the very generous buffet provided by the SPA.
Sweets and cakes were in abundance, and while the Mushaira was going on the youngsters frequently stole in from the games room in the staff club, and replenished their supplies.
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The evening ended with Santa, in the guise of Dr Rose Mary Harley, SPA chairperson, handing out Christmas presents to all the children there.
Those who were there enjoyed it, we hope that next year we'll see more members and their children.