Research Integrity Training
The University of Glasgow provides Research Integrity training for its staff and research students. Our training programme is designed to highlight the university's policies and expectations for all researchers, as well as the critical role of Research Culture in supporting Research Integrity.
The central training programme is run and managed by the Research Governance and Integrity team (contact us at research-integrity@gla.ac.uk). The university’s Good Research Practice Champions and Advisers also have responsibility for local activities and support.
Staff Research Integrity Training
Research Integrity training for staff: available here on Moodle
The training is mandatory for the following staff groups: Research only staff; Research & Teaching staff; Learning, Teaching & Scholarship staff (including staff on ECDP); PGR Supervisors; Research-related Professional Services staff; Research-related Technicians and Specialist staff.
PGR Research Integrity Training
Research Integrity training for Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs): available here on Moodle
The training is mandatory for all PGRs in their first year of study with the exception of students at the Beatson Institute who have their own in-house training, and students on the Doctorate of Education programme who should take the course in their third year of study.
Further Training
- Open Research and Reproducibility
- Research Ethics: contact the College Ethics Committees for training provision
- GDPR Training
- "Trusted Research" / Export Control training
- Digital Skills training
- Online courses on Unconscious Bias and Bystander Intervention
Where can staff get training and what is expected?
Staff can complete the training at any time by self-enrolling on the Moodle course (please contact research-integrity@glasgow.ac.uk if you have any problems accessing the training). The training is mandatory for the following staff groups: Research only staff; Research & Teaching staff; Learning, Teaching & Scholarship staff (including staff on ECDP); PGR Supervisors; Research-related Professional Services staff; Research-related Technicians and Specialist staff.
Staff should reflect on how they are keeping their knowledge and awareness of research integrity up to date in their annual P&DR. Online resources are also available and PIs / Supervisors are encouraged to use these as a starting point for discussion in their own research groups or collaborations.
Where can research students access training and what is expected?
New research students are required to complete training on research integrity within their first year of programme. The training is on Moodle and consists of an online module and a webinar. PGRs can self-enrol on Moodle and start the training at any time.
Research students should be involved at all stages of considering the ethical implications of their research. However, they are likely to lack experience in the rigorous design of research methodologies, consistent with expectations for good research practice.
A key role of the supervisor is to ensure that researchers receive training and mentoring in good research conduct, data management, gaining ethical approval, reporting results, use of statistics, IP and co-authorship / attribution. Research Data Management training is also mandatory for research students in the Colleges of MVLS or Science and Engineering (bookable through My Campus).
Students and supervisors should consider the range of training that is on offer through their college Graduate School and select the most appropriate. Attendance will be recorded as part of annual progress review. Students should check the guidance from their own College's research ethics committee on the types of training required and whether they are expected to participate in ethical review processes.
There are additional training opportunities and resources for students to explore throughout our 'Research Integrity Themes: Training & Useful Resources' webpage.
What training is available for PGR supervisors?
As part of the core training for new PGR supervisors, there are two essential Moodle courses:
- The Fundamentals of Postgraduate Supervision
- Staff Research Integrity Course includes an in-depth section on "PhD Supervision and Research Integrity"
There is also a 'PGR Supervisor Community of Practice' Teams Channel where you can access useful resources, find out about events and ask a question to members.
What training is available for Good Research Practice Champions and Advisers?
We have an induction course for new Good Research Practice Champions and Advisers, which includes links for all relevant documents and resources.
Our dedicated website for Good Research Practice Champions and Advisers contains the above induction course, along with role descriptions and guidance on how to report issues.
What is the difference between research ethics and integrity?
Research ethics and our policies in this area are focussed on the moral perspective of how research is conducted, particularly when working with human or animal subjects. Researchers should adhere to codes of practice or regulations in this area and (where required) attend specific training or undertake ethical review processes prior to conducting research. Work in this area is overseen by the University Ethics Committee and each College also has an Ethics Committee and local points of contact. Research students should discuss this with their supervisor to identify appropriate training or procedures that should be followed.
Research integrity is focussed on professional standards and responsible research conduct. It is relevant to researchers from all disciplines, as well as anyone supporting research (administrators, public engagement or communications specialists etc.). Training is available, and while this is mandatory for PGRs, and highly recommended for other research staff, all researchers have a professional responsibility to keep up to date with what this means for their discipline, and contribute to a culture of good research practice.
Research integrity training enquiries
Please contact Elinor Toland Research Integrity Adviser (Training and Communication) in the Research Governance and Integrity Team.