Narrative CVs
Narrative CVs are now being asked for as part of funding proposals. This is a relatively new element for funding proposals and we are still learning, but below are the resources we are aware of. The Strategic Research Initiatives Team has particular expertise in team narrative CVs, and is happy to support UofG teams who have any questions.
A Short Guide to Team Narrative CVs - This guide provides a short overview of how to approach writing a team narrative CV | Link to A Short Guide to Narrative CVs |
Team Narrative CV (fictional example) - This is a fictionalized team narrative CV that follows the UKRI Resume for Research and Innovation format | Link to Fictional Narrative CV Example |
UKRI Guidance Résumé for Research and Innovation (R4RI) - UKRI general guidance for narrative CVs | Link to UK guidance |
Making Narrative CVs work for your researchers - a blog by Dr Rachel Herries, Research Culture Manager at the University of Glasgow | Link to Making Narrative CVs work for your researchers |
Narrative CV Webinar August 2021 - a webinar by Dr Elizabeth Adams and Dr Tanita Casci sharing the findings of Glasgow's narrative CV project | Link to YouTube video |
Royal Society Résumé for Researchers Guidance - an overview and guidance on the Royal Society's narrative CV format | |
Developing a narrative CV: guidance for researchers - the University of Oxford's guidance pages for narrative CVs | |