Why does research impact matter?

Since 1451, University of Glasgow inventions, interventions and innovations have shaped the social, cultural and economic prosperity of our city, country, and civilisation. Research impact is central to who we are and what we do as a World Changing University.

Research impact bridges the gap between academic theories and real-world practice, ensuring that research not only contributes to knowledge but also improves lives. Ultimately, research impact is about making a meaningful difference, turning ideas into actions, contributing to the wellbeing of people and society.

Understanding and showing the impact of your work highlights the significance of research to funders and stakeholders, opening doors for new opportunities in research, collaboration, and funding. A focus on impact also makes research more relevant and connected to society’s needs, ensuring practical applications and benefits.

Research impact is important for the University of Glasgow, our colleges, and schools because impact:

  • Aligns with our vision to be The World-Changing University.
  • Demonstrates our value to society, the economy, and the environment.
  • Strengthens the University’s national and international reputation.
  • Attracts new and supports long-term funding and partnerships.
  • Enhances the quality and strength of our research.
  • Provides opportunities for our staff.
  • Is a requirement for the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

Personal benefits of working towards research impact include:

  • Personal and job satisfaction from making a difference.
  • Enhanced reputation, within and beyond academia.
  • Strengthened research.
  • Broader networks and increased collaboration inside and outside academia.
  • More funding opportunities.
  • Development and enhancement of skills.
  • Career advancement and increased opportunities inside and outside academia.