Guidance and Resources

Explore guidance and resources that can be useful to researchers in a range of disciplines, engaging with various stakeholders, and at different points on their path towards impact.

You can select one of the following topics to quickly find what you need:

Understanding Impact

  • Research Impact: Making a Difference: an online, self-paced course developed by University of Glasgow to introduce researchers to what research impact is and how to create it.
  • LSE Impact Blog: a platform for understanding and increasing the impact of academic research.
  • Economic and Social Research Council Impact toolkit: find out how the ESRC define impact and identify the principles you should be aware of when applying for funding. You can also find advice and guidance to help you communicate your work.
  • Fast Track Impact offers a range of free resources and training aimed at researchers who want to generate impact from their research.

Planning for Impact

  • Impact Planning Template: a step-by-step guide to interrogate your research and help formulate your research impact vision.
  • Wellcome Trust has compiled a list of common pitfalls when applying for public engagement funding which are useful regardless of who you are seeking funding from.

Developing Channels for Impact

Public Engagement 

  • Explore public engagement opportunities and the support, guidance, and resources available to help researchers at University of Glasgow engage with the wider community for mutual benefit. 
  • The National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) has a library of resources to support high-quality public engagement practice and policy.
  • Community Engagement: An Exploration is an online, self-paced course developed by colleagues at the University of Glasgow and the Glasgow Centre for Population Health, with valuable insights from community partners.

Influencing Policy 

  • The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) sources reliable and impartial scientific research evidence for the UK Parliament. Explore their programme of future research and find out how to contribute as an expert.
  • The Scottish Policy and Research Exchange works with research, knowledge mobilisation and policy communities to improve how evidence and expertise shapes policy and have a range of resources and training opportunities.
  • Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN) champions academic policy engagement to strengthen evidence-informed policymaking in the UK. Explore their offer of blogs, toolkits, guides and reports that explore and support academic policy engagement.
  • Leeds University Business School has developed a podcast for academics to help demystify the world of policymaking and debunk some myths about the evidence-based policymaking process.
  • Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement (CAPE) is a knowledge exchange and research project that explores how to support effective and sustained engagement between academics and policy professionals across the higher education sector and publish a range of resources on this topic. 
  • How to engage with policy makers: a guide for academics in the arts and humanities published by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Working with Schools and Young People 

Developing Skills

  • Developing your digital footprint is guidance aimed at research students and staff, to help you think strategically about your online identity.
  • Explore support and guidance on how you can share your research more widely and maximise your chances of getting future grants and working with new collaborators.

Capturing Impact

Guidance and Resources


  • Qualtrics: a web-based survey software.
  • Mentimeter: a digital tool that enables real-time interactivity, engagement, and feedback.
  • The University's Enlighten repository includes a Knowledge Exchange and Impact function to record work related to your research outside academia. Find out more about the repository and how to use it.
  • Altmetrics can help track the reach of your research (who is citing or talking about it), which can be useful when planning for or trying to evidence research impact.

Research Excellence Framework 

Training and Support 

Explore what training is available to help you understand research impact and develop skills and knowledge to achieve it. 

Contact us at if you’re looking for more guidance or have suggestions for resources to add to this library.