Development for Research Staff
Introducing Research Staff Development
'Researcher Development' is the term for the broad spectrum of opportunities, experiences, conversations and reflective work that you do, alongside your research, to enrich your skills and working relationships, foster your talents, and accelerate your professional prospects.
The University of Glasgow's multi-disciplinary Research Culture and Researcher Development team offer a wide range of opportunities including induction events, stand-alone workshops, mentoring, peer networks and communities and programmes to develop you as a researcher and research leader. We aim to support you to reflect on your needs and ambitions, navigate the ecology of development available to you at UofG and, have agency to make informed and active choices about your professional and career development.
Read our Team Blog, The Auditorium, to learn more about us, how we design initiatives, the theories and data that underpin our work, and our news and successes.
The broad remit of our provision can be seen below, at a glance. Click into the sections to find details of specific support, training, and development activities. Opportunities branching from here are led by the Research Culture and Researcher Development Team within the Research Services Directorate. Additional training and support may be offered by your College, School, Funder, or professional membership association.
How we support you to...

Get Started
Begin here to understand what your opportunities and obligations are for professional and career development:

Join the Conversation
The monthly hybrid Research Staff Assembly enables you to connect, have your say, and stay in the know:

Engage with Mentoring
Mentoring is a learning conversation that supports good quality thinking, helping you to navigate the demands of your role and keep up momentum in your professional life:

Access workshops and events
Access a rich ecology of training workshops, panel events, and topical discussions for Research Staff.

Develop your Leadership
Talent Labs, such as Flourish, Ignite and Crucible, are cohort-programmes to develop you as a research leader. All research staff can also access development for research PIs and PGR supervisors:

Advance your career
Supporting your career is a key strategic drivers at Glasgow. Pathfinder houses researcher development career support. You also have access to the University Careers team.

Connect with others
Connecting with others to share experiences, find collaborations, and build your network is a key way to understand and impact on the research environment:

Engage with the Concordat
Glasgow is a signatory to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (the 'Researcher Development Concordat'), which commits 10 days pro-rata for professional development to all research staff. Find out more about this key strategic commitment:

Find other support
Glasgow offers an ecology of support training and development for researchers, including both University-wide and research unit-specialist teams: