Research Methods and IT Skills

Mandatory Research Methods Training
All PGRs must complete mandatory training in Research Integrity and Research Data Management. These are self paced trainings which are completed on Moodle.

Research Methods and IT training courses
The Researcher Development and IT teams provide a regular series of training courses in IT software for research, tools for working with data and using Word and Powerpoint to present your work.

IT Training Team
The IT Training Team deliver training in IT skills, Office 365, programming, web publishing and reference management to everyone at UofG.

Open Research and Research Data Management Teams
The University of Glasgow strongly encourages the adoption of open research practices. The Research Information Management Team offer support and training with Open Research and Research Management.

University Library
The team of College Librarians support everyone at UofG to make best use of the library research resources and support.

Self paced training: Managing your data
Research data takes many forms, ranging from measurements, numbers and images to documents and publications. In these materials the University's Data Management team introduces practical ideas for organising your research findings to make sure you can access them quickly and easily in the future.

Self paced training: Community Engagement
This self paced training dips into some of the many 'what?', 'why?' and 'how?' considerations related to community engagement. The course is an invitation to staff and students across all University of Glasgow Schools and Colleges, as well as partners and communities, to explore, reflect and discuss community engagement.

Self paced training: A Stylish Thesis
Formatting your thesis so it looks like a professional document that follows the conventions of an academic dissertation is not something to leave to the end of the process. You can save yourself a lot editorial time by setting up and using templates and conventions as you go along. In these materials Blair Thompson from IT Educations takes you through the process, with a wealth of tips and tricks to speed up your typing as you go along.