PGR Community and Belonging
As a PGR you may be in a new city, country or even continent. Building a community and finding connection are important to the wellbeing of PGRs and there are several ways you can connect with others. The research culture and researcher development team lead a number of communities tailored for University of Glasgow PGRs and you can also find out about some opportunities below.

This PhD Life
ThisPhDLife is our biannual conference on the PGR experience, with tips and advice from your fellow PGRs

PGR Lunchtime Walks
Join fellow PGRs on Wednesdays at 1pm outside the Gilchrist for a sociable meander through the local landscapes. More information is shared on the @UofGPGRs Twitter, @UofG_PGRs Instagram and via email - so keep an eye on your inbox.

PGR Gardening
Indulge your green thumb by joining our PGR gardening sessions taking place every Wednesday at 5pm. There;s something for everyone and no experience is necessary to get started! For more information keep an eye on your inbox and our social media channels (@UofGPGRs X, @UofG_PGRs Instagram). Or join the Viewfield Lane Gardens MS Teams group using your UofG login.

PGR Bookshelf
The PGR Bookshelf is a bookcase in the Gilchrist Postgraduate Club. PGRs can take a book, drop off any they’ve read, and sit and have a coffee, and a break, with their new read. While there is the opportunity to exchange a book, there is no obligation. The only rule is that no textbooks or academic texts are allowed.

PGR Blog
The PGR Blog is a community space for UofG PGRs to share experiences of doing and sharing research, and of life and wellbeing in Glasgow. Written by PGRs for PGRs: whether you are a reader, one of our future writers or a member of the higher education sector – this blog for you.

The Gilchrist Postgraduate Club
The Gilchrist Postgraduate Club provides space for postgraduates with a cafe, study booths, a variety of social events and a seminar room that booked for events such as meetings, small lectures, research workshops, presentations and social events.

UofG Clubs and Societies
The Students' Representative Council (SRC) has over 300 affiliated clubs and societies which you can join as a PGR. With so many clubs and societies there's something for everyone!

UofG Club Sport
The Glasgow University Sports Association have over 50 affiliated sports clubs that are open to PGRs to join.