What is Postgraduate Researcher Development at UofG?

Researcher development involves engaging with training and experiences which develop the skills required to be a successful researcher. These skills are valuable to a range of careers both inside and out of academia. This includes training courses but also a range of other opportunities and experiences such as:

  • Taking part in competitions for PGRs (e.g. 3MT and VYT)
  • Attending conferences
  • Leadership training programmes
  • Working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant
  • Doing an internship
  • Mentoring programmes (e.g. Thesis Mentoring)
  • Public engagement opportunities

 All PGRs are expected to engage with 10 days (70 hours) of researcher development opportunities each year. 

You should also be aware of your Graduate School’s requirements for PGR training and development: College of Arts requirements | MVLS requirements | COSE requirements COSS requirements. Speak to your Graduate School contacts if you have questions.