PGR Writing Support
Writing is an important skills for all researchers which takes time and practice to develop. There are several ways for PGRs to get support with developing their writing skills at UofG.

Writing Training Courses
Writing is something all PGRs will engage with with writing there thesis, publications and other outputs. We offer a suite of training course on writing practice

Writing Retreats
We host regular in-person and online writing retreat series. You can also attend virtual retreats offered by a range of other UK institutions.

Writing Festivals
At the University of Glasgow, our writing festivals encourage all academics, research staff, technicians and research students to join in and plan for, make progress on, and celebrate writing.
- Write of Spring
- Writefest (More information coming soon)

1:1 Writing Support
Postgraduate research (i.e. PhD or MRes) students from any College can make an appointment with the Researcher Development Writing and Communication Specialist, Dr Rachel Chin, to talk about anything related to their academic writing.
You must provide a writing sample at least 7 days in advance of your appointment. Your booking confirmation email will tell you how to submit your sample.
Use the Appointment Booking Service to

Thesis Mentoring
The Thesis Mentoring programme aims to help PGRs who actively writing their thesis by pairing them with a trained and experienced Thesis Mentor, who is a member of research staff.

Self paced training: Literature Reviews
The literature review is one of the first sections of a thesis and often the first ‘task’ you will be set by a supervisory team when you start a PGR programme. These materials introduce you to different types of literature review structure; how the university library resources can help you effectively collate the required information; how to manage your references; and what it means to critically appraise information at doctoral level.

Self paced training: Publication Support
This set of resources aims to support PGRs as they aim to publish their research in a journal or similar. The resources cover aspects such as writing a good abstract, publishing preprints, responding to reviewer comments, collaborative writing and telling a story.