Career Directions
PGRs develop a range of skills which are applicable to careers both in and out of academia. Our Career Directions theme is designed to help you explore potential career paths and develop skills that will help you in your future career, whatever path you take.

Pathfinder supports researchers with career options, planning and transition. Find out more about different career paths of PhD holders and opportunities for mock interviews and mentoring

Talent Lab
Talent Lab is the umbrella for UofG cohort-based training and development initiatives that focus on developing leadership in research, and researchers as leaders. This includes opportunities for PGRs interested in developing leadership skills.

Career Planning
Find out more about support available from the University's Careers Service and opportunities available through the Internship Hub:

Enterprise, Industry and Business
Have you thought about starting your own business or taking the step from research to enterprise? You can find out about these career routes during your time as a PGR.

Developing Teaching Skills
There are often opportunities to work as a graduate teaching assistant (GTA) within your School/ Institute. These opportunities are usually advertised locally so speak to your school if you are interested.
If you would like to develop your teaching skills as a GTA there are opportunities for this from the Academic and Digital Development Team.

Self Paced: Careers in Focus
These materials tell you a bit about what other UofG researchers have gone on to do after their PhD. They also include tools to help you reflect on your own skills, strengths and values, and how these might impact your choices

MOOC: Career Management for Early Career Academic Researchers
This 12-hour self-paced MOOC supports reflecting on what you want out of a career. It considers career options both within and beyond academic research, and build your confidence in marketing yourself in applications and interviews. It covers key drivers, strengths, interests, personality, and values and how these impact on career choice, as well as how to frame relevant experience for CVs and interviews.