Connection and Belonging
The Importance of Community
Whether you are a PGR, a member of Research Staff, a Research Leader or a Research Professional, finding your community within UofG is incredibly important. The Research Culture and Researcher Development Team believe that we are all at our best when we are not isolated, and we thrive when we come together as a collective.
This page brings together communities and networks that are led by the Research Culture & Researcher Development Team in the Research Services Directorate.
There is a wealth of networks across the university for all; and the Researcher Development Team have highlighted specific communities and networks for PGRs, Research Staff and Research Leaders.
Communities for All
Research Culture Commons
All members of the research ecosystem at the University of Glasgow are invited to join the Research Culture Commons. The Culture Commons seeks to broaden and democratise how we support, develop and recognise achievements to build a positive UofG Research Culture, by taking a whole community approach. The ‘community owned’ model recognises that all members of the research ecosystem can contribute positively to culture change, and that small contributions all add up to a greater whole when focus and priorities are defined, and when we work towards shared goals.
Walk/Talk/Connect is a project that brings together opportunities for our PGR, Research Staff and Research Professional Communities to meet up, get outdoors and connect with each other in nature.
Led by a team of PGR interns, Walk/Talk/Connecct is a 1h, slow paced, lunchtime walk for all, hosted by the Research Culture & Researcher Development Team, in Research Services Directorate. Find more info and walk dates on our dedicated Walk/Talk/Connect page.
Run Talk Run
Run Talk Run: Glasgow Uni Avenue
Every Friday - 17:25 for 17:30 start
University Avenue, Wolfson Medical School Building
Please sign up via: https://link.heylo.co/RDFE
Run Talk Run exists to make running a sociable way to de-stress and feel part of a welcoming community. Whilst we chat, we run or jog 5km. We don't care about speed or pace and nobody is ever left behind. People of all levels of experience are are welcomed and encouraged to come along. Don't be nervous to join us, you are very welcome!
Communities for Research Professionals
Research Professional Staff Network
The Research Professional Staff Network is a collaborative community of Research Professionals, wherever they work in University of Glasgow. The network is for any member of staff whose role involves providing a professional service, expert guidance, system or support for research or researchers, at any point in the research journey. We are open and inclusive, encouraging membership from across the entire research ecology. This includes those at whole-university, College, School, and project level.
Communities for Supervisors
Supervisor Community
All doctoral supervisors (primary, team, or informal associate supervisors) at the University of Glasgow are warmly invited to join the online PGR Supervisor Community of Practice (CoP). Supervisors are a collective community of 3000+ research and academic staff across the university. The CoP is where we regularly interact to share information, improve our skills, and actively work on advancing good practice.
Communities for Research Staff
Research Staff Assembly
The Research Staff Assembly is a democratic, community-based platform which invites all our Research Staff to engage and connect with each other. We want you to be represented in the conversations that impact on your experience of being a member of Research Staff at the University of Glasgow.
The monthly assembly model is designed to enable all Research Staff at the University of Glasgow, across the many and varied job roles and titles that encompasses, to come together, build your networks, support each other, have your say, and stay in the know.
Fellows Network
The peer-led Fellows Network connects Research Fellows (of all types) to build your confidence as a leader in a contemporary research environment. What any person needs to thrive often already exists within the rich experience of our Research Fellows. The network is designed around two interrelated leadership concepts. The first is our identity in the research world: what is at the core of what it means to be a good research leader at the University of Glasgow? The second is supporting the personalised development of ‘good research leadership’, within the additional contexts of diverse career stages, disciplines and roles.
Coffee Connect
Coffee Connect enables Research Staff to connect in an informal way and meet colleagues from across the university. The networks built through Coffee Connect will help Research Staff navigate the university and increase awareness of what research looks like in other areas of the university. It is also a chance to share your research with Research Staff in and out of your field.
Late Career-Early Career Researcher Network
The Late Career-Early Career Researcher Network is a space for support and knowledge exchange for Research Staff and PGRs who identify as older than traditional early career researchers. There is no lower age limit for the group.
British Academy Early Career Researcher Network
The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network is an inclusive, Research Staff-led membership body accessible to all UK-based early career researchers (ECRs) working in the humanities and social sciences – regardless of their funding source or background.
NERD aims to provide Research Staff and PGRs in MVLS with career and professional development support. We welcome research-active members of staff (including PDRAs, fellows, LTS, and technicians) and PhD students from across the college. In addition to providing a network to discuss issues relevant to researchers we host a range of events throughout the year including career focused workshops, socials, discussion panels and more. MVLS NERD provides College representation on the Concordat Working Group hosted by the Researcher Development Team in Research Services Directorate. Join the MVLS NERD network.
COSE PDRA Committee
The PDRA Committee is a new initiative to promote researcher development in the college. Aimed at research-focussed members of the college, we believe that providing a place to network with Research Staff in other areas, discuss issues which are unique to Research Staff in the college, and interact with college management is extremely important. The COSE PDRA provides College representation on the Concordat Working Group hosted by the Researcher Development Team in Research Services Directorate.
COSS Researcher Network
Alongside peer support, collaboration and socialising, the COSS Researcher Network enables access to training and development and offers a space to shape what’s on offer at a college and university level to support Research Staff. The COSS Researcher Network provides College representation on the Concordat Working Group hosted by the Researcher Development Team in Research Services Directorate.
COAH Committee/Network – Seeking Leaders & Members
This new network brings together anyone in non-R&T job families who self-identifies as a member of Research Staff, including teaching only and MPA. The Research Culture & Researcher Development Team are currently seeking representatives from COAH to provide College representation on the Concordat Working Group hosted by the Researcher Development Team in Research Services Directorate. Anyone interested can contact samantha.sherry@glasgow.ac.uk.
Communities for PGRs
PGR Gardening
Indulge your green thumb by joining our PGR gardening sessions taking place every Wednesday. There’s something for everyone and no experience is necessary to get started! For more information, join the PGR Gardening MS Teams group and the overarching Viewfield Lane Gardens Group.
PGR Bookshelf
The PGR Bookshelf is a bookcase in the Gilchrist Postgraduate Club. PGRs can take a book, drop off any they’ve read and sit and have a coffee and break with their new read. While there is the opportunity to exchange a book, there is no obligation. The only rule is that no textbooks or academic texts are allowed.
Check out this blog post to find out more about the PGR Bookshelf and the importance of other non-academic spaces in community building.
Late Career-Early Career Researcher Network
The Late Career-Early Career Researcher Network is a space for support and knowledge exchange for PGRs and Research Staff who identify as older than traditional early career researchers. There is no lower age limit for the group.