Engineering and Manufacturing Case Studies

The Transitions Survey was originally conducted in Autumn 2019 in order to gather data about the post-graduation jobs of recent PhD graduates. Participants were asked about their roles, the transition into their roles, and their advice for current PhDs to make the most of their PhD experience and prepare for post-PhD life and job searching. Those participating in the case studies included here also had the opportunity to update their responses in Summer 2020.  

Patrik Hallsjö, School of Physics and Astronomy

Portrait of a man with glasses.


Post-doctoral researcher in medical research and machine learning engineer in industry. 

Position secured before graduation. 

What do you like and dislike about your current role? 

I like everything! 

How did your doctorate lead to your current post? 

Gave me time to study machine learning. 

What career progression tips would you offer to researchers if they want to follow a similar path to your own? 

Know how to market yourself. You have to do a lot yourself.  

Transitioning to Employment 

What was most helpful to you in managing your transition on from your PhD? 

Previous knowledge. 

What did you find most challenging in making the transition? 

Getting over the stigma that a PhD is just an education not work experience. 

The PhD 

What advice would you give in terms of making the most of the PhD experience?  

Travel, public engagement, learn to present in public and time for side interests.