Two students having a conversation in modern soft chairs against a blue wall.

Constructive Conversations

Working with Your Supervisor (Sciences)

The relationship between research student and supervisor is critical to your PhD, so it is important to develop an effective working partnership from the start. This session, for researchers in the Colleges of Science and Engineering and MVLS, will look at the likely roles and responsibilities of supervisor and researcher. We will discuss the research cycle and the changing demands on students as the PhD progresses; the Code of Practice for Research Students, so you are aware of the responsibilities of supervisor, school and institution; and good practice for developing a professional relationship.

Course Code: RSDD 6046

RDF Domain: B1-2, C1-2

Target Group: MVLS and COSE PGRs

Format: 3 hours online OR 3 hour on campus

Working with Your Supervisor (Arts and Social Science)

The relationship between research student and supervisor is critical to your PhD, so it is important to develop an effective working partnership from the start. This session, for researchers in the Colleges of Arts and Social Sciences, will look at the likely roles and responsibilities of supervisor and researcher. We will discuss the research cycle and the changing demands on students as the PhD progresses; the Code of Practice for Research Students, so you are aware of the responsibilities of supervisor, school and institution; and good practice for developing a professional relationship.

Course Code: RSDD 6083

RDF Domain: B1-2, C1-2

Target Group: ARTS and COSS PGRs

Format: 3 hours online OR 3 hour on campus

Mind Your Mate

The University offers the ‘Mind Your Mate’ training programme to help empower everyone at UofG to support themselves and each other. This interactive workshop covers basic mental health awareness and suicide prevention skills. The overall aim of Mind Your Mate is to reduce the barriers preventing people from accessing the help they need, provide participants with the confidence and skills to help someone in crisis and reduce the stigma around discussing mental health and suicide.

Course Code: RSDB 6095

RDF Domain: B1, D2

Target Group: All PGRs

Format: 2 hours online

Motivation and Procrastination

Procrastination is a way of easing our own discomfort. Discomfort because the task is too hard, too boring, too big, too scary. The difficulty with procrastinating is that it makes you feel better for a moment but it does nothing to fix the reason the task feels uncomfortable to begin with. It is still too big, too hard, too scary, or too boring the next time you sit down to do it. And so the cycle repeats.

In this webinar we discuss ways to:

  • Identify these procrastination loops when they start to unfold
  • Identify some of the thoughts underlying the discomfort and reframe them
  • Employ alternative strategies that alleviate the discomfort and make the task less difficult, scary, hard or boring
  • Explore drivers of our motivation

Course Code: RSDB 6096

RDF Domain: B1-2

Target Group: All researchers

Format: 1 hour online

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever had the feeling that you're out of your depth and it's only a matter of time before you're found out?  Don't worry, most of us have! While a certain amount of self-doubt is normal, and probably helpful, persistent imposter feelings of not being good enough or measuring up to others - despite evidence to the contrary - can hold us back from pursuing our goals and negatively impact our mental health. This two-part psychoeducational workshop will develop our understanding of imposter syndrome and help us begin to build our own toolkit to manage and overcome our imposter feelings.

Please note, while sessions are designed to be an interactive and safe space where participants may wish to share some of their own experiences, they are educational in format and not intended to be group therapy.

Course Code: RSDB 6114

RDF Domain: B1-B2

Target Group: All PGRs

Format: 4 hours online, split over 2 workshops (2 hours each)

Overcoming Perfectionism

Many of us believe perfectionism helps us to excel, however we often don’t consider how our unrelenting high standards can negatively impact our lives. This two-part psychoeducational workshop will develop our understanding of perfectionism, how to recognise perfectionism within ourselves and help us begin to build our own toolkit to manage and overcome our perfectionism.

Please note, while sessions are designed to be an interactive and safe space where participants may wish to share some of their own experiences, they are educational in format and not intended to be group therapy. 

Course Code: RSDB 6115

RDF Domain: B1-B2

Target Group: All PGRs

Format: 4 hours online, split over 2 workshops (2 hours each)

Taming the Inner Critic

We all have an inner voice in our heads. It is an essential part of what makes us human and it is designed to help us navigate the world and to keep us safe. The problem is, in order to keep us safe it tends to focus on the negatives, the perceived threats, and all the possible ways that we might mess up, fall down, or embarrass ourselves. In this webinar:

  • we explore how our inner voice shapes our thoughts, our mood, our choices, and our productivity
  • we address the critical inner voices that drive perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and self-doubt that sabotage our motivation and enjoyment for our work
  • we learn how to rewrite that inner critic to a voice that allows for more mental space and energy to think, create, be present, and thrive

Course Code: RSDB 6012

RDF Domain: B1-2

Target Group: All researchers

Format: 1 hour online