A student and a member of staff talking at a desk, with a laptop. The background is a glass wall with a brown image covering it. The image features leaves and a statue.

Career Directions

Postgraduate Leadership Programme

This flagship programme is for researchers who are curious about leadership and want to make a difference. If you are interested in mentoring others, managing relationships and projects with collaborators, sponsors or your supervisor, or hope to inspire and motivate others in your future career, this deep dive into leadership might be for you. It will help you understand your strengths and development areas, focus on who you are, and what you do as a leader. The course covers many aspects of leadership, from strategy and decision making, to problem solving, dealing with difficulty, and asking great questions. Combining tools, techniques and theory with your natural strengths and personal values it will help you find a style of leadership that suits you best.

The programme is a combination of online workshops and self-paced learning. You must be available to attend all sessions, as well as participating in the group project and your own personal development (3-4 hr work between sessions). We recognise this is a large time commitment and therefore you will be asked to provide evidence that you discussed your plans to attend this course with you supervisor. 

Course Code: This course has an application process which opens in January 2023.

RDF Domain: B1-3, C2, D1

Target Group: PGRs at least 6 months into their research

Duration: Online, 3 hours per week for 3 months

Networking for Researchers

Building a network and using it effectively is a key requirement for all professionals, whether it is in an academic research setting, industry engagement or a conference. This workshop will focus on how to establish a network and build it to support your career and aims. It will cover networking strategies, engagement methods and how to “pitch” yourself and/or your ideas. You will explore how to turn conversations to your advantage; how to approach and engage with senior academics; and when and how to follow up with people. You will be encouraged create a personal networking strategy to use after the workshop. The workshop will comprise a mixture of group work, class discussion and individual exercises.

Course Code: RSDB 6108

RDF Domain: B1-3, D1

Target Group: All Researchers

Formats: 2.5 hours online OR 3 hours on campus

Building Your Digital Research Presence

This workshop is designed specifically for researchers who are looking to develop their online presence and boost their career prospects through social media. There are now numerous channels available that can be used to amplify your research, promote an enterprising project and attract future employers. In addition, social networks can act as a valuable source of information and a personally tailored news feed.  We will explore different types of content that researchers can experiment with. What engages people? What should you post and what should you avoid? How should you manage your time on social media and optimise your engagement? In addition to designing an individual social media strategy, the workshop will include a section on legal considerations, privacy and openness. The workshop is designed to cover a selection of mainstream social media tools that can be used to build your online profile.

Course Code: RSDB 6113

RDF Domain: B3, C3

Target Group: All Researchers

Formats: 2.5 hours online OR 3 hour on campus