
Explore upcoming events to support and guide you on all aspects of EU funding.

European Funding Events @ The University of Glasgow

Horizon Association Information Session (December 2023 / January 2024)

From the 1st January 2024, Horizon Europe - the EU’s research and innovation funding programme, is now fully open to UK researchers once again, meaning full and equal participation to those in EU member countries.

The Overseas Team recently delivered two online information sessions  for all staff, researchers, academics and professional services staff who want to learn more about UK participation in Horizon Europe and what UK Associations means.

View recording here via OneDrive (you must be a university employee to watch).

European Research Council (ERC)

ERC 2025 Work Programme - Q&A Webinar : 12th September 2024

Over €2.7 billion will be available in ERC research grants for 2025. What are the new funding opportunities, the budget allocations, the calendar, and the conditions?

Angela Liberatore and José Labastida from the ERC Executive Agency will present the plans for 2025 and answer questions from viewers.

UK Research Office, Brussels

UKRO offer a wide range of events to support the UK's involvement in Horizon Europe. Subscribe using your university email address to access past & future events.

CALL DEADLINE 29TH AUGUST : ERC Advanced Grant 2024 

ERC Advanced Grant 2024 Applicants Webinar (19th August 2024 : session will be recorded)

ERC 2024 Advanced Grant: Call Information Webinar 1 of 2 (10th June 2024 : session will be recorded)

ERC 2024 Advanced Grant: Call Information Webinar 2 of 2 (12th June 2024 : session will be recorded)

This series of two webinars aims to provide applicants with a detailed overview on writing their proposal and explaining the evaluation procedure once the application is submitted.

CALL DEADLINE 11TH SEPTEMBER : Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship Call 

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 Call Information Webinar: Session 1 (14th May 2024 : session will be recorded)

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 Call Information Webinar: Session 2 (15th May 2024 : session will be recorded)

This series of two webinars aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive overview on the 2024 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship Call.  Attendees will be given information to submit a successful application, including the MSCA eligibility criteria, available budget, and submission and evaluation rules, as well as practical advice on proposal writing.

CALL DEADLINE 15th OCTOBER 2024 : ERC Starter Grants 2024 

ERC 2025 Starting Grant: Call Information Webinar 1 of 2 (29th July 2024 : session will be recorded)

ERC 2025 Starting Grant: Call Information Webinar 2 of 2 (1st August 2024 : session will be recorded)

This series of two webinars aims to provide applicants with a detailed overview on writing their proposal and explaining the evaluation procedure once the application is submitted.

CALL DEADLINE 6th NOVEMBER 2024 : ERC Synergy Grants 2024

ERC 2025 Synergy Grant: Call Information Webinar (30th August 2024 : session will be recorded)

CALL DEADLINE 27TH NOVEMBER 2024 : Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks Call 

Virtual Info Session on the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call (7th June 2024 : session will be recorded)

This is event is aimed at potential applicants and stakeholders, providing them with the key aspects of the call, including specifics on Joint and Industrial doctoral networks.  There will also be an opportunity to ask speakers questions.

MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024 Call Information Webinar: Session 1 (2nd July : session will be recorded)

MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024 Call Information Webinar: Session 2 (3rd July : session will be recorded)

This series of two webinars will provide applicants with a comprehensive overview of the application process, including eligibility criteria, budget, practical advice for writing the proposal and guidance on submission and evaluation rules.