


University of Glasgow are not a project Beneficiary of ProEVLifeCycle. PMO have a contract of services with the Coordinator, which enables PMO to provide project management services to the project.


Profiling the messengers that cancer cells use to spread more than their word

In recent years, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have risen from relative obscurity to stardom. They are secreted by all cells and are now recognised as the carriers of biologically active molecules that travel to local or distant targets to mediate cell-cell communication. Cancer progression and metastasis is linked to EVs as these cells use EVs to export regulatory molecules like oncoproteins and oncopeptides. Further, EVs are found in bodily fluids, supporting their potential as blood-based or urine-based biomarkers as well as targets for cancer therapies. proEVLifeCycle is creating a dynamic team of researchers to enhance understanding of the lifecycle of EVs involved in prostate cancer to improve diagnosis and treatment of the most common cancer in men.


The prostate cancer Extracellular Vesicle LifeCycle (proEVLifeCycle) network is an innovative, multidisciplinary training program focused on understanding the biology, biomarker potential and function of extracellular vesicles (EVs) to resolve unmet clinical needs of prostate cancer (PCa). It is within this realm, that we will equip early stage researchers with the knowledge, tools and a creative ethos to be independent scientists, leaders, and drivers of innovation. The lifecycle of EVs is poorly understood and their potential as non-invasive biomarkers and therapy target/agents, a growing area of interest. This research can perfectly be integrated with the high need for novel biomarkers and therapy targets for PCa. Any relief in the burden of this disease will have major impact on the huge socio-economic problems for patients, families, caregivers and society.
The ambitious scientific objectives are to unravel the mysteries of EV biogenesis, homing and uptake to explain how vesicles operate in disease processes; their heterogeneity, their molecular complexity, the biological functions they drive, their local and systemic dissemination and how these may be manipulated. Using state-of-the-art, network-wide shared model systems, imaging and profiling tools, and systems biology, the program will enlighten the lifecycle of EVs and identify novel EV biomarkers and PCa therapy targets to address the unmet clinical needs.
Our original network of 7 academic and 3 company beneficiaries and 11 partners, provides optimal scientific training, crosssectoral awareness, entrepreneurship skills, communication in the modern age, extensive opportunities for mobility and patient-facing experiences. We herein meet identified EU-skills gaps providing well-rounded and inventive experts primed for influential careers, contributing to patient well-being and economic prosperity within the EU.