Help and Advice
If you need information or advice on any issue relating to electronic theses that is not covered by this web site please e-mail
Frequently Asked Questions
All the information you need about preparing and depositing an electronic version of your thesis should be available on this site. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions relating to the process.
- Do I still need to hand in two bound copies of my thesis?
- No. From session 2007/2008 students have only been required to submit one printed and one electronic copy of their thesis.
- Which degrees are covered by the new regulations relating to theses?
- All higher research degrees which currently require students to submit a print copy of their thesis to the Library. Taught postgraduate dissertations are not covered by the regulation change.
- Who do the new regulations apply to?
- All students, new and continuing, who submit their research thesis from the beginning of session 2007/2008 onwards.
- How will people find theses held in Enlighten : Theses?
- Enlighten : Theses can be searched locally, but it is also harvested by major search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Details of your thesis will also be made available via the EThOS Service (temporarily unavailable) and the DART-Europe E-Theses Portal (permanently closed down).
- Can I restrict access to my thesis?
- For information on the options that may be open to you see Restricting access to your thesis.
- How does the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 affect access to my thesis?
- For information on this see Restricting access to your thesis.
- What do I do if my thesis contains 3rd party copyright material?
- For information on this see Including third party copyright material in your thesis.
- What do I do if I want to include works I have published within my thesis?
- For details of what do do see the section on including your own material within your thesis within Including third party copyright material in your thesis.
- What format does my thesis need to be in?
- See Thesis format for information on this.
- How do I convert my thesis to PDF format?
- See Thesis format for an explanation of how to convert your thesis to PDF.
- What do I do if I cannot produce a single PDF file of my thesis?
- If you are experiencing major difficulties in creating a single PDF file it is acceptable to upload a small number of separate PDF files, e.g. main thesis and appendices.
- Where can I access PDF conversion software?
- All CSCE PCs offer access to PDF Creator. All PCs in the Library offer this facility.
- What will happen if I fail to deposit an electronic version of my thesis?
- You will not be permitted to graduate until you have deposited an electronic version of your thesis.
- How do I get help?
- For further information and advice e-mail
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